Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Tejashwi Yadav on Friday charged the ministers of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar with trying to woo electorate by distributing saris and money in the name of Chhath festival in poll-bound Kusheshwar Asthan and .
Bihar minister said, "They (RJD and Congress) lack coordination. Ahead of the elections (by-polls), they are fighting amongst themselves. They lack the intention to work together."
Loud protests by youths over unemployment greeted Bihar Chief Minister today at a rally in the run up to the October 30 bypoll at Tarapur Assembly segment.
Laughing off arch-rival Lalu Yadav's challenge for the October 30 bypolls in Bihar, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has said the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) patriarch can get him "shot", but "can't do anything else".