Jharkhand High Court suspends the sentence of former high court registrar Mushtaq Ahmed and Kaushal Rani, who were convicted in a case filed by former national air rifle shooter Tara Shahdeo for cheating and forceful conversion to Islam.
For decades, Organiser has been dedicated to serving Bharat. At a time when much of the media claimed to be 'secular' and 'liberal,' distancing themselves
Every other day, platforms like Organiser and similar outlets highlight cases of "love jihad," a term denoting a pattern of criminal activity involving
Ranchi: The special CBI court, which sentenced three persons in a case of fraudulent marriage, rape and attempt to convert a former national-level sho.
A CBI Court in Ranchi has convicted three, including a former High Court Registrar for attempting forceful religious conversion of a national level shooter and conspiracy to commit rape upon her after.