The Tamil Nadu government has said that NEET favours the affluent and students with access to coaching classes and that admission based on the exam was against social justice.
The Reserve Bank of India, Chennai, on Thursday expressed regret regarding a row over some of its employees not standing up when the Tamil Nadu State Song ‘Tamil Thai Vazhthu’ was played during Republic Day celebrations.
The Tamizhaga Vazhvurimai Katchi (TVK) moved a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Madras High Court on Wednesday against the decision of the Puducherry administration to go ahead with New Year celebrations inspite of the Omicron threat .
The Tamizhaga Vazhvurimai Katchi (TVK) moved a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Madras High Court on Wednesday against the decision of the Puducherry administration to go ahead with New Year celebrations inspite of the Omicron threat looming large over the territory.