Tamil Nadu BJP President K.Annamalai has asked Chief Minister M.K.Stalin to release the letter sent by Governor R.N.Ravi while returning the Bill seeking exemption from NEET for reconsideration. Announcing that the party's representative will not be attending the meeting called by Stalin on Saturday to discuss the next course of action, Annamalai said the BJP will extend its
Tamil Nadu BJP President K.Annamalai has asked Chief Minister M.K.Stalin to release the letter sent by Governor R.N.Ravi while returning the Bill seeking exemption from NEET for reconsideration.
The Tamil Nadu government has said that NEET favours the affluent and students with access to coaching classes and that admission based on the exam was against social justice.
The Governor has returned the bill and the report of a High Level committee constituted by the state government in this connection to the Assembly Speaker M Appavu, a Raj Bhavan release said.