In Arizona, a team of attorneys representing 142 plaintiffs filed a lengthy “statement of facts” in federal bankruptcy court alleging that Shurwest executives were aware of an lucrative IUL sales fraud.
Mika Aono and Neal Williams making prints. Photo by Kathleen Caprario.
Lane Community College art instructor Kathleen Caprario was a textile design artist in New York City before she moved to Oregon. When she came to Eugene in the late ’70s her attention turned from textiles to landscapes.
A Critical Conversation, at Eugene Contemporary Art’s ANTI-AESTHETIC gallery through March 21, she merges her interest in pattern and the environment with the topic of race.
Sponsored by a Black Lives Matter artist grant from the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art and a 2020 Lane Arts artist grant, the gallery show features work by eleven artists and four poets, as well as two panel discussions and a March 6 screen print performance.