Saurabh Todi is a research analyst in the high-tech geopolitics program of the Takshashila Institution, a policy think tank based in Bengaluru. Shambhavi Naik…
248 influential figures from 50 countries, including China, Russia, and the US, warn that nuclear arms control cannot fall victim to geopolitical competition
NASC invites applications from researchers from any background, including from universities, research institutes, media, government services and industry, who are enthusiastic about undertaking fresh research on China.
The Chinese military has deployed ships, fighter jets and missiles in the sea around Taiwan to send a ‘serious warning against independence separatist forces’ after a US visit by Taipei s president Tsai Ing-wen
China has launched three days of military drills intended to intimidate self-ruled Taiwan after a US visit by Taipei's President Tsai Ing-wen angered Beijing.