what they think. chuck rosenberg, what is you take there is a lot in the indictment that did no surprise me, we have bee hearing for a long time it would be related to the hush money payments and therefore false entries on the books and records of the trump organization but there are some reall fascinating detail in th company statement of facts tha prosecutors filed yesterday, which shows, a couple of things one, their theory for elevatin those false records and thos false entries into felonies, violations of election law state and federal, and the hin of a plan to violate state - law. you also see the sensuality of not just michael cohen to this scheme, but also - clear to me from the statement of facts, and the prosecutor can prove everything in that statement of facts tha minister pecker woul essentially publishes th national enquirer wa responsible for the catch an kill stories, is a reall important witness. he had private conversations with trump, and in those convers
paying richard nixon $18 million for what he had. they did the presidentia records act. i have the right to take stuff i have the right to look a stuff. you do? willie. shawn was trying to help you are allowed to take stuff? the bald on no, that is meatball ron. shawn was trying to hel trump time and again but i know you wouldn t do. that sure i would okay let s move on. no! no i want to completely prove the federal government s case. many goes on and proves th federal government s case, which of course is - you re not allowed to tak stuff. it s more relevant now, willie, after the washington post story that broke this weekend. if you re the prosecutor of the special counsel in thi case, it s clip in saving thes interviews, quid and, save qui
so much. i m gonna put the other hand o the hot stove. run, it t.j. i can t imagine you would ever say, bring me some of the boxes that we brought back fro the white house. i d like to look at them would you ever do that i would have the right to d that, there s nothing wron with that. i don t think you would do. it i don t have a lot o time, but i have the right t do that. i would do that. let s move. on remember this, this is the presidential records act i have the right to take stuff did you know that they end u paying richard nixon $18 million for what he had. they did the presidentia records act. i have the right to take stuff i have the right to look a stuff. i have the right to tak stuff and look at stuff? even after, as the washingto post suggests, federal investigators and the feds tried to get it back federal investigators are new and significan evidence that shows that after the subpoenas delivered trum
donald trump might hav participated in a possible obstruction with some of those materials that were up mar-a-lago during an interview with fox news last week, donald trump was asked whether he would personally look through boxe of documents from hi presidency while they were stored at mar-a-lago here s his response last week. i can t imagine you eve saying, bring me some of the boxes that we brought back fro the white house. i d like to look at them did you ever do that i don t have the right to do, that there s nothing wrong wit it i don t have a lot of time but i would have the right to do that i would do that. i m gonna move. on remember, this this is the presidential records act i have the right to take stuff did you know that they ended u
and save some of it is amounting to a partial confession it was last september in a different interview with sea hannity when donald trump said and declassified documents jus by thinking about them as former president of the united states, if he thought about them being declassifie the name fact would be declassified we should ask chuck rosenberg, as a former prosecutor himself if you re the special counsel, if you are jack smith what are you making of these interviews that donald trump is givin again? especially the ones to sea hannity. i was thinking, willie, about when i was a federal prosecutor, preparing fo trial. i would literally have a manil folder which i would label m cross-examination vile every time i found a documen or someone said something or something i thought it could b useful, i put it in that file. the file here would be enormous i mean, as prosecutors w collect stuff. we hold on to staff. we never know when we re going to need stuff. but mr., trump from