Rod Boyer, retiring member of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission, received a standing ovation on Feb. 14 as members of the County Board presented him with a plaque for his years of service.
Rod Boyer, retiring member of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission, received a standing ovation on Feb. 14 as members of the County Board presented him with a plaque for his years of service.
As candidate filing for state and county-wide offices closed on May 31, many challengers have arisen to face-off with local incumbents in the November election. Check out to see who's going to be on the ballot this November, and which candidates have filed for state legislative seats that may include a party primary challenge on Aug. 9.
As candidate filing for state and county-wide offices closed on May 31, many challengers have arisen to face-off with local incumbents in the November election. Check out to see who's going to be on the ballot this November, and which candidates have filed for state legislative seats that may include a party primary challenge on Aug. 9.
As candidate filing for state and county-wide offices closed on May 31, many challengers have arisen to face off with local incumbents in the November election. See who's going to be on the ballot this November, and check out which candidates have filed for state legislative seats that may include a party primary challenge on Aug. 9.