For a seperate county of indecent liberties. Officers say the incidents happened after the final bell on two occassions last spring. In november, police say the victim came forward to another faculty member. Court papers show it was consensual but not legal. c37 49 43 we put our trust and faith in the mentors and teachers to acutally teach and guide these students, who are in fact juveniles. Court documents show quinn was put on leave from her job at hampton high as police investigated. The School District tells 10 on your side by the end of the month, quinn resigned from her position as a special education teacher. Seargent matt bond says detectives worked for two months to validate facts before securing the warrants for her arrest. c37 48 13 do you all believe that she has had innapropraite relationship with other students . Is that being investigated . That has not been confirmed. There have been no other counts or no other incidents or other victims come forward. And i know that lo
With more folders. She also went to the other crime scene on wildwood rd. Friends were at the house taking bags of items out of the house and throwing bags in the back of a pickup truck. We do know that Michael Dooley we saw yesterday who is the brother of todd dooley met with leaders of the Church Temple baptist. Funeral arrangements have been made, but not made public. We also interviewed the next door neighbor who gave us this video recording of the Police Assault on the House Wednesday night and thursday morning shot by Valerie Parker from home video 14 38 person says they are going in 14;40 the blast oh my got cameron put up your hands 31 45 2 clean up middle with b roll from video she shot you can hear me on the tape say oh my god and then they brought the battering ram in an tore the door down runs 06 32 01 22 9when they came out at the end of the tape and he wasnt with them i new i just knew runs 07 tonight at five more from more on the time line more on motive, and i must warn
Around 6:05 p.m., York-Poquoson deputies responded to the Tabb Walmart parking lot in the 2600 block of George Washington Memorial Highway for an attempted abduction.