toghnit, chireldn and covid in tshi uncotry,nd a the cdc panenol w recomndmeing tonhtig pfizer booerst shots for ildren 5 to 11. pfiz nerow ssay it increesas tianbodies against t oheriginal omicron rivaant 2-22-fold. the aboiortn batetl in this country,nd a tonight, the oklamaho legislaretuas psing the mostes rtrictivebo artion ban in erica. banning artboion beginni angt coepnction, with few exctiepons and sending it ttohe goverr no toghnit. > presidten biden meengtiit wh leadersf o finndla and sdewen at eth white hseou today, supporngti their bid to join na nato, fydeing thrtsea from vladimirut pin. > thebc a newsxc elusive tonight. mart rhaaddatz on board the uss maine. otectinghe t u.s. from potential nuclear teahrts. and what theyep kt secret there marthave en while she was onboard. the fstir ceas of monkeypox in the u.s.hi ts year. what wkne ow about theat pient in msaaschusetts. d the psiosble new case now being investgated in new yo rk ci.ty thexp elosion at a
and the letter goes on and on dan on. but t leme do isth, ladira. ta tlko him abt ouit! he s had no idea it wasn t justhe t leertt, her brheotr, daryl, was righthe tre too. had been deployedit wh the u.s. army rervsee. and ghrit here tonight hey, david. dilara, the new adgr, on that mome.nt that was liratelly evethrying to .me like, that was the btes gift at iou cld have ever goentt. he y, david. nd a spealciist light tlielng us he just coun ldt miss this moment. itas w a reallymp iortant mome fntor her. growing up, we were alwa tyshere r each heotr s big momes.nt aom menten ctral micgahin universi wtyon too sn the brother, his ne,ot his surpriseis vit. congralatutions t tohe gradueat dan her proud brother. thanksor f your seicrve. odgo night.
in better shape with a go home message three hours earlier than it came. roslyn helderman, part of that great team of the washington post, thank you very much. thanks for having me. coming up, will the supreme court side with abortion providers after hearing new arguments against the total ban in texas, we ll play you exactly what they said, and talk to a plaintiff in the case, just ahead. d ta tlko a plaintiff in the case, just ahead. feel stuck with student loan debt? move to sofi-and feel what it s like to get your money right. move your student loan debt to sofi you could save with low rates and no fees. earn a $500 bonus when you refi-and get your money right. with low rates and no fees.
having it either. the boss moderator was in control till security augmented by the senator s husband hauled the guy off stage. but that will moderator, that as i said, that was a heroic move. i want to talk to her. she s here next. move i want to ta tlko her. she s here next. get it! get that butterfly! you know those butterflies aren t actually in the room? hey, that baker lady s on tv again. she s not a baker. she wears that apron to sell insurance. nobody knows why. she s the progressive insurance lady. they cover pets if your owner gets into a car accident.