toghnit, chireldn and covid in tshi uncotry,nd a the cdc panenol w recomndmeing tonhtig pfizer booerst shots for ildren 5 to 11. pfiz nerow ssay it increesas tianbodies against t oheriginal omicron rivaant 2-22-fold. the aboiortn batetl in this country,nd a tonight, the oklamaho legislaretuas psing the mostes rtrictivebo artion ban in erica. banning artboion beginni angt coepnction, with few exctiepons and sending it ttohe goverr no toghnit. > presidten biden meengtiit wh leadersf o finndla and sdewen at eth white hseou today, supporngti their bid to join na nato, fydeing thrtsea from vladimirut pin. > thebc a newsxc elusive tonight. mart rhaaddatz on board the uss maine. otectinghe t u.s. from potential nuclear teahrts. and what theyep kt secret there marthave en while she was onboard. the fstir ceas of monkeypox in the u.s.hi ts year. what wkne ow about theat pient in msaaschusetts. d the psiosble new case now being investgated in new yo rk ci.ty thexp elosion at a
franz beckenbauer, some other big names of the game came to the united states but this is a totally, totally different m o m e nt. totally, totally different moment. now, the major league, it has been consolidated for nearly 30 years, 27 years of major league soccer. it s a consolidated product. united states football is reducing good players. there under 20 team did pretty well recently in the world cup at that level. there. they bring in lots of young players as well from south america so one of the great things of having lionel messi is not only you ve got him and maybe they are trying to bring the band back as well from barcelona, some of his teammates are also joining him and some of his former barcelona teammates, it s not only that you have that, it s also that by having lionel messi, you can shine a spotlight on the strength of the league which i think will take a lot of people by surprise. so, this is a moment where lionel messi is adding to
and the letter goes on and on dan on. but t leme do isth, ladira. ta tlko him abt ouit! he s had no idea it wasn t justhe t leertt, her brheotr, daryl, was righthe tre too. had been deployedit wh the u.s. army rervsee. and ghrit here tonight hey, david. dilara, the new adgr, on that mome.nt that was liratelly evethrying to .me like, that was the btes gift at iou cld have ever goentt. he y, david. nd a spealciist light tlielng us he just coun ldt miss this moment. itas w a reallymp iortant mome fntor her. growing up, we were alwa tyshere r each heotr s big momes.nt aom menten ctral micgahin universi wtyon too sn the brother, his ne,ot his surpriseis vit. congralatutions t tohe gradueat dan her proud brother. thanksor f your seicrve. odgo night.
today incdilung these imasge omfr esprident benid acknowlgiedng the governntme s pdeanmic sponse icls early noent ough, and sayi,ng weav he moreor wk do. e pandem aiclso impainctg lihoyda travel, as mliilonsea hd home. at least 1,100or me flights canceled today. remo than 004,0 scein chrisastm eve. the aiinrles blaming weather and covid-reladte crew shorgetas. neyow rk city noanuncing ferew oppeleil wl be aowlled to gheatr in times squear on new arye s eve. dr. anthony fauci wniarng againscet lebratining large groups. dhe t concern for children tonight. the naonti s hospilsta reporting an 80% irencase in pedtriaic covid admission isn the past four weeks. dr. jhata snding by with his ke in a mome.nt and what he s sinayg about tseho wne cdc guidineles. t first, abc s mcuars moore leadin ugs off he iren new york. repteorr: tonig, htthe cdc chgianng guidae ncfor all americs anwho get feinctedit wh e thcoronavirus t buare ymasptomatic. recoenmmding theisy olate for ve days stinea