they ve been losing viable initiatives before voters. when this issue goes directl to the american people they know full well that the can win with the supreme court supermajority. they are setting up in stree courts with confederate conservative judges. suits that are stretches o implausible or disturbing, right they have a lot of confidence they re going t win. that really should sit off som alarms that democracy is one o the things that it at stak here we are seeing courts tak positions that the america people never would including, in some conservativ states let s turn to south carolin for a moment, michelle this might seem obvious but ca you help me understand how republicans, who are sel proclaimed pro-life activist when it comes to blockin reasonable health care, are al of a sudden pro death penalt when it comes to punishing women for abortions? let s be clear that we have seen a real shift amon conservatives i m not even sur
donald trump but when you sa some of the tweets fro marjorie taylor greene and speaker mccarthy, that s not necessarily the case, but i do think that indictment will sho the american people that these are just quote unquote political investigations he was impeached twice he is the reason that there wa an insurrection at our capital and so i believed that hopefully it will do something to the republican party, but again, there are so many leaders who are scared to stan up to him and walk away from him, but unfortunately, they feel as though there is a base that they have to continue t cultivate that is followin him. i m going to pick up with that on you, because republica marjorie taylor greene tweeted that if the manhattan da indites president trump, h will ultimately win even bigge than he is already going t win. how real of a possibility is that i mean, trump s campaign, you should remember, raise millions during his impeachment, and the donations absolutely searched after the mar-
mention donald trump s name. you have to go into debate lik this, if you are ron desantis, with a mindset if you want t win, one of us is going to wal off the stave alive. and i don t think a guy as young as desantis, with a bi future in front of him, is going to risk that i think he s gonna play cautious campaign, and i think donald trump is going to be th nominee. stuart, i don t know what you re talking about guys do not go to strip club for the nudity they go for the buffet charles coleman, stewart stevens, thank you both fo coming i appreciate it. when we come back, hue the culture wars yet again why conservatives are blamin silicon valley bank failure to diversity and woke issues. we re gointog discuss that, when the 11th hour continues i m thinking couches. or loveseats? yeah, loveseats. something about loveseats make me feel happy. kevin.? i bought the team! cash brothers! having triplets is.
you have to go into debate lik this, if you are ron desantis, with a mindset if you want t win, one of us is going to wal off the stave alive. and i don t think a guy as young as desantis, with a bi future in front of him, is going to risk that i think he s gonna play cautious campaign, and i think donald trump is going to be th nominee. stuart, i don t know what you re talking about guys do not go to strip club for the nudity they go for the buffet charles coleman, stewart stevens, thank you both fo coming i appreciate it. when we come back, queue the culture wars yet again why conservatives are blamin silicon valley bank failure to diversity and woke issues. we re going to discuss that, when the 11th hour continues just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big.
in large parts if we d stayed in the european union. now, he didn t win that election, so it s academic. it s a moot point, but also the idea that you can t have nationalisation, de facto nationalisation, of train and rail networks across europe is obviously nonsense, because it is de facto nationalised in italy, in france, in germany. it s subject to liberalisation. so, you must allow competitors into that industry. and that s true of all of the public sector industries. i m going to interrupt. ..under the four freedoms. a couple more issues before we end, we ve hardly any time. you mentioned corbyn, former leader of the labour party. today s leader is keir starmer. do you care whether keir starmer wins the next election? ie, would you use your influence and weight with workers across this country to fight for a keir starmer win? absolutely, i want the labour party and keir starmer to win the election. keir starmer will be the candidate obviously, so. because he doesn t back your stri