essentially the nsa part was to use the metadata program and determine who else in if the u.s. zazi is communicating with to help the fbi understand who are the key terrorists they have to go after? two of the key figures in this investigation were these gentlemen. two of his very close friends that he met in high school. they went to the mosque together. and they got jobs in new york. zazi had had the coffee cart. zarine was driving a cab. and adis was a doorman. they continued to hang out. they remain frindz. looking at the flight manifest, we concluded that in august of 2008, before he came to colorado, zazi traveled with adis to the fatah region of pakistan. the federally administered areas of pakistan.
zazi is driving to the bridge. it looks like he is going to come into manhattan vee yac hate washington bridge. what we re thinking about is we cannot lose this guy. zazi was the picture of an imminent threat. travel records had indicated that he had been to pakistan in 2008. potentially that he attended terrorist training camps with adis and his two new york counterparts. but we just didn t know what they were up to. so we re going to set up a roadblock. we were going to have the oufr that had a canine search the car to try to figure out if zazi had had a bomb or anything else dangerous in the car.
the cop sees him and pulls out his gun and tells him to lay down. we bring him back and agents go in and start question him. he starts to talk. he tells us about zazi. he tells us about the terrorist training camp when they were in pakistan. he tells us they wanted to blow up a subway. the plan for al-qaeda that they ll be suicide bombers, backpacks and going to the subway and blow them up in three different locations. because he was proud of it. he was bragging to us. this attack could have very likely go on undetected. we were days if not hours away from this thing happening. at this point, because of
haven t fully enveloped the american dream with the american dream hasn t fully enveloped them. they viewed themselves and they believed in their minds that they were failures in life. and i think that the al qaeda members who talk to them and inspire them to conduct this attack knew that and capitalized on it. it s terrorism using whatever tools they can to inflict harm on us and to take misguided use like that, to do it. and they don t necessarily have to be islamic. they just want people to conduct attacks on their behalf. so the night of september 10th, he spends the night at a high school friend s house. tomorrow is 9/11 anniversary. st we didn t know what the target would be, when it would take place, who exactly was going to participate. how it was going to happen. but there was no doubt zazi and adis wanted to kill people. and we have to prepare for that.
essentially the nsa part was to use the metadata program and determine who else in if the u.s. zazi is communicating with to help the fbi understand who are the key terrorists they have to go after? two of the key figures in this investigation were these gentlemen. two of his very close friends that he met in high school. they went to the mosque together. and they got jobs in new york. zazi had had the coffee cart. zarine was driving a cab. and adis was a doorman. they continued to hang out. they remain frindz. looking at the flight manifest, we concluded that in august of 2008, before he came to colorado, zazi traveled with adis to the fatah region of pakistan. the federally administered tribal areas of pakistan. we thought at the time he had gone to a terrorist training