of it s trying to find an identity. the way i look at it, and it s not the fbi, this is the way i look at it, is that they haven t fully enveloped the american dream with the american dream hasn t fully enveloped them. they viewed themselves and they believed in their minds that they were failures in life. and i think that the al qaeda members who talk to them and inspire them to conduct this attack knew that and capitalized on it. it s terrorism using whatever tools they can to inflict harm on us and to take misguided use like that, to do it. and they don t necessarily have to be islamic. they just want people to conduct attacks on their behalf. so the night of september 10th, he spends the night at a high school friend s house. tomorrow is 9/11 anniversary. we didn t know what the target would be, when it would take place, who exactly was going to participate. how it was going to happen. but there was no doubt zazi
haven t fully enveloped the american dream with the american dream hasn t fully enveloped them. they viewed themselves and they believed in their minds that they were failures in life. and i think that the al qaeda members who talk to them and inspire them to conduct this attack knew that and capitalized on it. it s terrorism using whatever tools they can to inflict harm on us and to take misguided use like that, to do it. and they don t necessarily have to be islamic. they just want people to conduct attacks on their behalf. so the night of september 10th, he spends the night at a high school friend s house. tomorrow is 9/11 anniversary. st we didn t know what the target would be, when it would take place, who exactly was going to participate. how it was going to happen. but there was no doubt zazi and adis wanted to kill people. and we have to prepare for that.
constituency in african-american voters and african-american women in particular. montana is less than 1% african-american. you don t have experience talking with the black community in order to earn their votes and their trust and get them to vote for you. how do you anticipate meeting that challenge? i think i ll do it the same way i ve been attorney general and governor in montana. certainly both trying to represent everyone but also recognizing there are unique challenges we re 7% native american. we ve had significant challenges there, things i ve done for the lgbtq community in a state like montana from repealing it hateful laws to orders protecting gender identity, things i ve done on equal pay for equal work. i will approach this and the rest of sort of historically disadvantaged communities, i ll listen and listen hopefully more than i talk and recognize that this fair shot at the american
recognizing that there are unique challenges, and we re 7% native american. we ve had significant challenges there, things that i ve done for the lgbtq, executive orders, protecting gender identity, things that i ve done on equal pay for equal work. now i will approach this and the rest of historically disadvantaged communities. i ll show up. i ll listen, hopefully more than i talk, and i ll recognize that this notion of fair shot of the american dream hasn t been available for everyone. there is no reason why an african american woman is four times more likely to die in childbirth than non, or in montana why an american indian has on average a life span 20 years less than a nonnative. in each of these areas, we ll certainly come in and say i need to learn, but i ve been successful i think in both listening and trying to bring