Utilizing Raman for Raw Material Verification and Identification
Image Credit: Metrohm AG
There is an important reason why raw material identification and verification (RMID) is a complicated process: it confirms the quality of the raw materials which are utilized in the manufacture of products that you put in and on your body.
The complexity of RMID spans the spectrum from the testing process to analytical methods and instruments, then to the governmental standards and norms which regulate all aspects of RMID, including electronic records, the extent of sampling, system suitability, method validation and many others.
With Mira P and Mira Cal P, Metrohm Raman simplifies RMID. Image Credit: Metrohm AG
Apr 13 2021 Read 7 Times
Author: Dr Brigitte Bollig on behalf of Shimadzu Europa GmbH
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Analytical Intelligence
Nowadays, requirements for ideal LC analytical processes are changing significantly, as users demand higher operating efficiencies and more flexibility in the working practice. This also covers the environment where equivalent analytical operations and data analysis can be performed to obtain identical results, even by users who are not located in the laboratory or users unfamiliar with the operating system.
A new concept responding to this need is the Analytical Intelligence approach, integrating more and more automated functions in the analytical LC instruments, thus relieving users from organisational, input and processing tasks. This automates the expertise of expert analysts who avoid common pitfalls to ensure that equally high-quality data can be achieved by anyone. As shown in Figure 1, Analytical Intelligence reduces th