families were devastated by this pandemic. steve: except the devastation wasn t inflicted by the pandemic but inflicted by the government starting with the cdc which catastrophically bungled testing so it was impossible to contain the virus here in the way the place like south korea and hong kong did. never forget how the media s precious cdc failed us about one month after germany developed their tests, the cdc finally built hours except it did not work and had to be recalled. precious weeks went by and university labs in the private sector were begging to make a test and the fda said no. finally, at the end of february only after president trump intervened with the red tape was swept away. that vital moment when it might still impossible to contain america s outbreak the cdc arrogance and incompetence were fateful. having allowed the virus to spread uncontrolled for months they then moved to the next disastrous blunder. instead of designing a strategy for the specific chara
pandemic. steve: except the devastation wasn t inflicted by the pandemic but inflicted by the government starting with the cdc which catastrophically bungled testing so it was impossible to contain the virus here in the way the place like south korea and hong kong did. never forget how the media s precious cdc failed us about one month after germany developed their tests, the cdc finally built hours except it did not work and had to be recalled. precious weeks went by and university labs in the private sector were begging to make a test and the fda said no. finally, at the end of february only after president trump intervened with the red tape was swept away. that vital moment when it might still impossible to contain america s outbreak the cdc arrogance and incompetence were fateful. having allowed the virus to spread uncontrolled for months they then moved to the next disastrous blunder. instead of designing a strategy for the specific characteristics of this virus, clearly
president trump. many have already announced how they intend to vote. the senate will be sitting as a jury in the trial of the president beginning at 4 p.m. eastern today. they ll vote on those two articles of impeachment shortly thereafter. and now, to live coverage of the u.s. senate here on c-span2. the president pro tempore: the senate will come to order. the chaplain, dr. barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. the chaplain: let us pray. strong deliverer, our shelter in the time of storms, we acknowledge today that you are god, and we are not. you don t disappoint those who trust in you, for you are our fortress and bulwark. lord, show our senators your ways and teach them to walk in your path of integrity. through the seasons of our nation s history, you have been patient and merciful. mighty god, be true to your name. fulfill your purposes for our nation and world. we pray in your holy name. amen. the presiding officer: please join me in reciting the pledge of all
three vaccines thanks to donald trump s operation warp speed. there were already a million vaccines being administered to peoples arms every day when biden was sworn in, 36 million doses at already been distributed. according to joe it was the biden administration that stepped in, heroically saved america from covid-19, none of this is true. where s the unity, joe? president biden: i m using every power i have as president of the united states to put us on a war footing to get the job done. it sounds like hyperbole but i mean it, war footing. and thank god we are making some real progress now. now because all the work we ve done emma we will have enough vaccine supply for all adults in america by the end of may. that s months ahead of schedule. sean: that would be moderna, pfizer, that would be johnson & johnson and that would be her predecessor, president trump, operation warp speed. all due respect to the president, he didn t have anything to do with that vaccine and ha
donald trump s operation warp speed. there were already a million vaccines being administered to peoples arms every day when biden was sworn in, 36 million doses at already been rpdistributed. according to joe it was the biden administration that stepped in, heroically saved america from covid-19, none of this is true. where s the unity, joe? president biden: i m using every power i have as president of the united states to put us on a war footing to get the job done. it sounds like hyperbole but i mean it, war footing. and thank god we are making some real progress now. now because all the work we ve done emma we will have enough vaccine supply for all adults in america by the end of may. that s months ahead of schedule. sean: that would be moderna, pfizer, that would be johnson & johnson and that would be her predecessor, president trump, operation warp speed. all due respect to the president, he didn tti have anything to do with that vaccine and had nothing to do with