pandemic. steve: except the devastation wasn't inflicted by the pandemic but inflicted by the government starting with the cdc which catastrophically bungled testing so it was impossible to contain the virus here in the way the place like south korea and hong kong did. never forget how the media's precious cdc failed us about one month after germany developed their tests, the cdc finally built hours except it did not work and had to be recalled. precious weeks went by and university labs in the private sector were begging to make a test and the fda said no. finally, at the end of february only after president trump intervened with the red tape was swept away. that vital moment when it might still impossible to contain america's outbreak the cdc arrogance and incompetence were fateful. having allowed the virus to spread uncontrolled for months they then moved to the next disastrous blunder. instead of designing a strategy for the specific characteristics of this virus, clearly known by the early as last january that the virus was highly contagious, high level of a sum to medics bread and overwhelmingly caused a problem for the elderly our public health bureaucrats starting in california with santa clara county sara cody dusted down a playbook developed in the wake of 911 for a bioterrorism attack effecting everyone equally. they pushed government to seat unprecedented emergency powers, to lock everyone down, not just a small proportionate serious risk but business is closed, schools close, churches closed and they told them when we could leave our homes, play sports, go to the park, go to our own family members bedsides and hospitals and their funerals and here we are not 15 days to flattened the curve later but one year later and they are still infecting their lockdowns on us. tens of millions of jobs lost, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed, lives and dreams destroyed thanks to their lockdowns, families torn apart by mental illness, suicide, drug abuse, dusting violence, child abuse thanks to their lockdowns and it didn't even work on its own terms. we now have the data courtesy of stanford medical professor michael leavitt who crunched the numbers from the cdc and the human mortality database. the best measure is age-adjusted excess deaths. the extra deaths caused by the pandemic taking account of the age of the population. here are states in america and countries on the world ranked from the worst on the left to the best on the right. if lockdowns worked the places with the strictest ones would all be on the right but here is the actual data. there is no correlation at all. now let's put into places which did not have strict lockdowns, places like florida and sweden showing they are in yellow. lockdowns made practically no difference to the pandemic toll but they inflicted a massive toll on our society and economy. one we will be paying for decades. we were among the first to warn about this at the time. last march one year ago, you know that famous phrase the cure is worse than the disease? that is exactly the territory we are hurtling towards. we laid out an alternative, protect the vulnerable, focused testing and ppp on the elderly, keep them safe but allow healthy americans to live normally and we were attacked for putting lives at risk but guess who now admits we were right? unbelievably the wretched cdc. look at the guidance they published this week. they say vaccinated people should continue to wear masks and social distance in public places presumably because they think that even vaccinated people could still spread the virus but despite this they say that vaccinated people can see on vaccinated people with no masks and no social distancing if they are at low risk. that is most people. by the cdc's own admission, anyone could have gotten close to anyone else at low risk for the past year but instead we had one year of utter madness, unscientific and in direct contradiction of the data. the cdc, anthony fauci and the idiots in the media recklessly pushing misinformation that terrified americans into thinking that getting infected was a guaranteed death sentence. they condemned trump when his disruptive business like action gave us the single thing that would actually end of the pandemic in the historic vaccine achievements of warp speed and they bond over biden with all the good news he touts is actually thanks to trump and biden's own response, judging from that address to the nation the other night, is a rambling incoherent mess. no surprise there. if you are listening to anthony fauci who says maybe it is summer before we get back to normal or maybe christmas and maybe next year. more likely never. they love the power and they love the control over our lives and they love being the center of attention. no, we must not let them turn this into a permanent pandemic and never ending lockdown. we need a clear endpoint. declare the b-day victory over the virus and that should be when every american over the age of 65 has had the chance to be vaccinated and at that point all restrictions must end. as we mourn the dead and pick up the pieces of a devastating year let's be clear, all this pain and suffering was not caused by a natural disaster like a hurricane or earthquake but the cruel counterproductive lockdown strategy and maybe even the pandemic itself as you will see in a moment was a man-made disaster or more precisely, a government may disaster in more precisely still, a disaster made by the very people in our government who were supposed to protect us. the people running our public health bureau after millions are dead, economic devastation, social destruction, we need honesty and accountability, not to point fingers or to cast blame but to make sure that this never happens again. follow us at steve hilton x and share this message when we posted. joining me now, author of firebrand, florida congressman matt gaetz and fox news contributor tammy bruce. matt, it seems to me that there is zero interest actually in looking back on the past year and evaluating the government response and the cost and the benefits and having a proper investigation and everyone wants to just ignore what they did and nancy pelosi has this 911 style of education into what happened on junior asics and johnny think the least we could do is look into whether the lockdown strategy was effective? >> in conducting that inquiry, steve, we need to rely on the data as you have done one the best analyses i've seen of the impact of the virus versus the lockdowns was in revolver news where they talked about the consequence in terms of life years. in that analysis we see this virus that china unleashed on the world and then china is a benefiting greatly from the unilateral disarmament of the american economy in places like new york and california. i'm glad florida was the ultimate example and when i talked with governor ron desantis he will lamented that the problems that the cdc and anthony fauci really erode the trust that exists between the people in any public health officials. think about it, any relationship that you are in someone is constantly changing the rules you trust them less and you see anthony fauci and the cdc time and again moving the goalpost and the american people are fed up with it. doctor anthony fauci reminds me of every bad weatherman. frequently wrong but never in doubt. steve: tammy, this lack of any interest in pursuing accountability, given the momentous consequences of these decisions and it's all fine to say right at the beginning no one knew what was happening and so on but these mistakes went on all through the year and when are the public officials who made them going to be held accountable? >> well, as we have seen even with the russian dossier hoax never, unless we take control when it comes to a course elections and sending messages to both california and new york are doing because both this stars of the democratic party knew so man cuomo for a variety of reasons are in trouble but i would say also due to your great reporting and other news that we had is that in fact we did know that this existed, as you noted even in your monologue. we did know what was happening at the wuhan lab and we knew what was being developed and there is anthony fauci, the man supposed to be in charge of this particular issue, infectious diseases for decades the expert, the man who would know and yet that department, the cdc were unprepared, even —- this was not a surprise. it could not have been. we have seen it something like it over the years, sars et cetera and we knew this was possible and being prepared is at least one thing we thought our tax dollars were paid for and the man who would oversee it all, completely choked and now his relevance remains ironically and grotesquely, the money, the million-dollar prizes, the magazine covers relies on the pandemic remaining rate of what would anthony fauci do if there was no pandemic? i think it is like an addiction. he began to like the attention and the politicians love the attention and this is what we have to think about but when it comes to punishment and the honesty about what is happened here, voters will have to do that and we will have to get another president who is not afraid of the swamp and will want the truth. steve: that's right. biden promoted anthony fauci and i just want your quick comment on one part of what tammy just said and we will pick it up with morgan ortagus who is at the state department but the role of the wuhan institute and more significantly, i think, the role of our own government potentially in funding the dangerous risky research, doctor anthony fauci finding that research and i know you've been active on that issue as well, matt gaetz. >> yes, i wrote a letter to the president asking him to pull funding from the wuhan institute of virology. he did and then the mainstream media went crazy and they said that this was harming the front-line researchers and scientists that were finding the next round of cures and since that time we've learned more and more but the virus is very unlikely to have jumped from a [inaudible] and way more likely to come out of the bat virus lab that was in wuhan where the outbreak occurred and that is so obvious i can't even believe i have to say it out loud but tammy is right and morgan will illuminate this and just moments but we cannot get trump with a deep state at the fbi or deferment of justice or the state department that my gosh, it turns out the most power-hungry people in our government were working at the cdc and tammy is right. there is a political realignment going on right now in our country but the number one question isn't even taxes or spending but the number one question is freedom, will you support the right of a family to earn a living, send their kids to school and live as prosperous americans or do we all have to accept this new state where we are lockdown like chinese leakers. steve: well put. that is what is driving this. >> the answer is no to that. steve: that is what is driving this rage against gavin newsom during the recall. great to see you both. we will see you later on in the show but as mentioned it is not just for the destructive risk response that we need to hold government accountable but as we laid out it is looking increasingly like our government is responsible at least in part for the virus itself and we have new information to bring you this week in our pandemic origins investigation. this support in politico went into more detail that we've seen before on a crucial part of the story. it was written by josh rogan, who first reported on the fact that in 2018 u.s. diplomat visited the wuhan institute and sent cables back to the state department warning about the labs and safety weaknesses. when the people who wrote those cables told him quote, i have to admit i thought it would be may be of sars like outbreak if i knew it would turn out to be the greatest pandemic in human history i would've made a bigger stink about it. former secretary of state mike pompeo said this,. >> we know with near certainty that this came from wuhan and there is substantial evidence of what was taking place inside that laboratory and there were certain facts that made it strongly indicated that this came out of that laboratory through what was likely an accidental leak. steve: when we first reported on this, the lab leak hypothesis with the chinese regime is desperately trying to discredit was dismissed as a conspiracy theory but in the past few weeks especially as people have seen how the who's so-called investigation was basically part of beijing's cover up the lab leak idea is becoming the mainstream consensus. that is the first part of the story but the second part is that even more troubling because it involves our own government and the question is what where they're working on in the wuhan lab and why? the evidence we have assembled and shown you over the past few weeks points to a frightening possibility that the virus that leaked was part of the function research project funded by her own government, by doctor anthony fauci niaid part of the nih. we contacted one of the worldly experts doctor richard e breit at rutgers university and told us categorically that the projects renewal in 2019 represented functional research of concern and his words, should have been flagged for review. it's hard to imagine a more serious question, not just for america but for the whole world and still we have no response from the nih, it's boss or anthony fauci itself. he's all over the media where there's a chance to bask in the uncritical adoration of fawning anthony fauci fan boys and girls like rachel maddow this week but when his questions about the risky virus research that an independent and world-renowned expert has told us was cause for concern nothing. you who report is expected this coming week and we will be watching to see how seriously they take what looks like the most likely origin of this pandemic, risky research commission and funded by our own government. joining the now former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus. morgan, great to see you again. it has been a while. i just want to —- >> thank you for having me back. steve: just comment on the safety issues around the lab and the confidence with which your former boss, former secretary of state pompeo was speaking then about the idea that the virus leaked from the lab? what can you add to that from your perspective having been inside the state department? >> so, secretary pompeo wrote about this in the maastricht journal and we learned that one of the safety directors at the lab, at the wuhan virology institute talks about his concern and he was in charge of the level for lab and talked about his concern of the lack of proper procedures and protocols and if you look at the cables that josh rogan wrote about mike pompeo wrote about them in the journal and part of what the state department diplomats do, part of their job is to right back and assess and say we have u.s. government funding going into this lab and we are concerned about a number of safety problems. that is a point so the position we are now is what you are doing, steve, which is asking questions. we had government funding into these labs and because we know that the chinese are never going to seriously give the world access. it's a joke if you think they ever will pray they should any of the moral response ability and they should but because they never will we have to note do we have, as the u.s. government, do any of the entities of the u.s. government nih whom ever have an ability to know what was going on in that lab and to maybe discover the origins of the virus and i'm doubtful that we ever will unfortunately and we don't know if it was the lab and we don't know if it was the chinese septal is maybe it came from poison food and the chinese have told us that he must from the u.s. army and they've also talked about coming from bats and others details but we don't know and that's because they had destroyed reportedly destroyed the evidence and refused to allow access to independent estimators to determine the cause of this. what happens in the future? we will never be able to crucially solve for future pandemics and to understand the words and discipline until the chinese are transparent and forthcoming but all they do is stymie these investigators and keep saint look, frozen foods, look at the bats but don't look at the labs. steve: yes, actually there's a growing chorus of around the world of people saying we just don't believe a world word about the chinese are saying here but the part i'm interested in is the state department has been active and that's helpful for all of us to understand but what about the health bureaucracy side of this and we just don't hear anything and there is no pressure on the nih and doctor anthony fauci's in the part from seems to us but how do we get that ball rolling so we can see what it was exactly that we were funding, not just the lab but what was the work we were funding and could have led to this pandemic? >> steve, i think doing the right thing and responsible members of the media need to be asking these questions. listen, if we have american taxpayer money going into these labs around the world then we need to have as many answers as possible. on the positive side we have members of the cdc that are in u.s. embassies around the world but keep in mind that one year ago we are in march and one year ago secretary pompeo and i were on a television around the world talking to her counterparts publicly and in private meetings saying exactly what the world is starting to ask and discover one year later. we certainly took a lot of grief for that. look at the australians. remember it was one year ago that the australians simply said we need an independent investigation because the chinese aren't lending them in and when they did that china basically tried to start a trade war with the australians because how dare you ask questions, how dare you challenge this narrative that we spun to the planet. steve: great point. that australia excites example i've cited that before as well be it that's a powerful circumstantial evidence that they are trying to cover something up. morgan, all we have time for tonight. hope to see you soon. >> yes, thank you for having me back. steve: coming up, when donald trump was president the democrats and their media servants never stopped calling to invoke the 21st amendment ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. this is a tempur-pedic mattress. and its mission is to give you truly transformative sleep. so, no more tossing and turning... or trouble falling asleep. because only tempur-pedic uses proprietary tempur® material that continuously adapts and responds to your body, to relieve pressure... so you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. all night. every night. during the tempur-pedic luxe event, get your best sleep, and save $300 on our most premium mattresses. learn more at it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, and save $300 on our most premium mattresses. jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? 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"the wall street journal" editorial board last week wrote that biden is a front man for far left agenda it is quote, signing on to whatever chief of staff tells them to support. "the new york times" on the other hand said that it was susan rice quote, taking the reins. that's not encouraging. listen to who she has been working with on policy ideas. union leaders, advocacy groups, community activists, leaders of federal agencies and that tells you everything. the powers behind the biden team are the power centers of today's democratic party as we told you all along, the woke left, government unions and the permanent bureaucracy. it's obviously of a president who is not actually the one making decisions. isn't that a much more just viable argument for the 25th amendment than anything the democratic media and the servants went on about with trauma. matt and tammy are back, take it away. >> look, those two admissions, if you will, about who is running things tells you everything. there is a recognition that joe biden is not operating as president. the founders expected in active energetic person, a man at that point in time but an active, energetic person embodied as an example by someone like donald trump where you are able to delegate and you don't want to micromanager like jimmy carter because nothing gets done but you need someone who is a leader and that's the entire point of having the president and of having someone who is leading the company of corporation in a household or a government, the president. when you have got someone who has been placed in there at the front and also has to tell you about the health or the lack thereof of the party that did that, what is it that you needed to find someone who really wasn't even capable to be, you know, the front person because you couldn't even address what the mega people wanted with your own talent so this is the biggest fraud that i would argue being perpetrated against the american people and they know what they are doing and they are going through the motions and they are working very hard because they know it is wrong, otherwise they would just admit it but they can't so they are going through the motions and making it seem as though everything is fine and here he is and the answer regarding cuomo is just was a template that it was a remarkable dynamic that we are seeing unfold and nobody is calling anyone to account on this. steve: yes, let's hear that, as you mentioned at the top of the show, find me what the president said about cuomo situation. >> do think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation is underway and we should see what it comes to. steve: you wait weeks for the decent, and then to get something useless like that. matt gaetz, i want you to respond on the 25th amendment point because it seems to me that you have the democrats in the media that said every five minutes they were saying trump should be taken down by the 25th amendment and yet there was never on the question of the president trump's capacity to do his job but you may not like what he was doing with it but the 25th amendment was capacity to do the job. seems to me there are far more grounds to worry about that with this president. >> yeah, donald trump did embody the virtue that alexander hamilton talked about the need for energy in the executive in our country. joe biden shows us more what we get when we get geritol in the executive democrats chanted this is what democracy looks like and now that i'm seeing it in action and looks more like what a juror and talkers he looks like. biden wakes up late and goes to bed early and stumbling and mumbling his way through the day and we all know what this is because we see it in our own families and in our own lives and as a former president would say he's lost something off the fastball and i think the result is that while you get the less is more presidency and joe biden we are expecting less and less of ourselves and the policies that he is supporting and expecting more and more of our government, bigger checks, more government control, more of the nanny state and you talk about susan rice and ron claimed, these are globalist interventionists and one of the reasons why we got the united states again becoming excessively entangled in the syrian civil war, as if there is something we are trying to win in syria but that is the proof that the dynamic you described about the influence of people like susan rice is playing out. steve: to tammy's earlier point —- >> i add something? steve: please, do. >> this is why susan rice and ron claim can ever run for president because americans would reject them so this is the fraud that the people who are running like kamala harris cannot even last through a presidential campaign and she cannot even win her own state so these are people that the american people would reject or already have rejected who do not want to face repercussions and that the result of being wrong and face the people there behind never in front of the camera and his comment that template response, steve, i am sure if he was told if you hear the word cuomo just say this because it could apply to any question. what you think of cuomo's new job or new dog? well, i think the investigation and we got to wait for the investigation. we think of his new plan for covid? we got wait for the investigation. no matter what the question that would be the framework and that is what is just so infuriating. people want leadership and if we are willing to pretend that everything is okay this is the other thing, the training to look away and to pretend that things are all right because you are too afraid to admit the truth that is when his country begins to collapse and we must reject it. steve: exactly. despite being people criticize you for raising these issues but we got to keep raising them. we are already a couple of months into this. congressman gates, thank you so much and we will see you in the weeks ahead. tammy, we will see you later tonight. coming up, what the biden and ministrations latest excuse for the humanitarian crisis they've created at our southern border is. we have a tape and sara carter rerererere want to make a name for yourself in gaming? then make a name for yourself. even if your office, and bank balance are... far from glamorous. that means expensing nothing but pizza. your expenses look good, and your books are set for the month! ...going up against this guy... and pitching your idea 100 times. no, no, no! no. i like it. -he likes it! ...and you definitely love that. intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. steve: will come back. it's obvious the biden administration has created a humanitarian crisis with its open border policies but it is not just what they are doing but reverting from policies that matter reduced migrant flows but what they are saying. here's the national security coordinator for the u.s. southern border, roberta jacobson. >> when you look at the issue of mixed messages it is difficult at times to convey both hope in the future and the danger that is now and that is what we are trying to do. steve: when you claim that you are still policing the border but at the same time pander to the immigrant right activists in your base they are letting everyone and yeah, that's a mixed message for it then she said this. >> we are trying to convey to everybody in the region that we will have legal processes for people in the future and we are standing those up as soon as we can but at the same time you cannot come through regular means. steve: that's interesting. where have we heard that before? >> i want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever but they have to come in legally. steve: biden's border coordinator is a comedy job description if there's any coordination going on and blamed drug smugglers and human traffickers for spreading quote disinformation about how easy it is to get into the u.s. instead of addressing the facts that it is easier to get into the u.s. because of the new administration, total chaos, total incompetence. instead of showing how compassionate they are which is what democrats want to think, it shows how viciously cruel they are because it's the week, the poor, the vulnerable and yes, children separated from their families in greater numbers than ever before paying the price for the less cynical and reckless virtue signaling. we are doing now by fox news contributor sara carter. sara, great to see you. you've been down of the border and your reflections on the chaos and what prospects there are for things to improve. >> only god, i've got to tell you there's nothing more heartbreaking than when you run into a group of migrant children, a young girl i ran into was 13 years old and the youngest of the group was four years old and 16 -year-old boys from a 14 -year-old boys and they are traveled over three months alone on a journey that was so dangerous that they said that some of the people they traveled with lost their lives and they come from honduras and they came because they had been told and they absolutely believe that biden had opened the borders for them and that they would not be returned and frankly, they were right. biden said in early february that he was eliminating fed policy and was saying he was illuminating trumps bad policy. the message was loud and clear throughout central america and the human traffickers as well as the drug cartels take advantage of that and when you have horrible foreign policy and when you have terrible foreign-policy and terrible messaging that is what they do and what we are seeing now is the result of that. steve: is there recognition at the border of the people you have been speaking to and the people on the sharp end dealing with it and are they sending a message up as it were to washington that you are making this worse. >> absolutely. i've been speaking to not only border patrol union but dhs officials as well on backgrounds and they feel their hands are tied and many of them, i can tell you from seeing it myself visually they are sitting there, people are crossing the border, turning themselves in and asking them to take off their shoelaces and asking them to remove their belts and basically saying welcome to america, you will not be kicked out so let's take you and get you processed and now the problem is that it's overwhelming right now and the facilities are overwhelmed and you have over 9300 children in the month of february but i want you to think about the family units too. it is not just about the children. the border is wide open so you have 100,000 people in february that entered the united states. now this week alone we are seeing over 3500 children but we are also seeing family units and not all of those people are the actual parents or guardians of these children so we are seeing a lot of human trafficking as well. they believe that if they enter the united states were children they won't be kicked out. a lot of people are dumping their passports, dumping their id cards before they enter the united states because they know that it will be less of a chance of ever getting returned and i saw people from india, cross the border and saw a lot of cubans actually in arizona and i'm half cuban myself and my mom was an immigrant and she came from cuba in the 1960s but there was an influx, a large influx of cubans coming in to the arizona border and it's incredible. people from pakistan, romania, gypsy so this isn't just a message that is being delivered to central america, steve, but a message being delivered loud and clear around the globe and it is not always necessarily people that are friendly although the majority of people of course, are looking for a better life but there are other people that pose a serious national security risk that would use this system to enter the united states. steve: really powerful reporting sara, thank goodness you were there to see this because that's what we need to keep the pressure up and thank you so much for joining us tonight. this is an absolute crisis as we have been saying. coming out, the democrats love to tout the stimulus checks but they used the covid relief bill to hurt americacacacaca ♪♪ steve: welcome back. we reported on the so-called american rescue plan and how it's really a blue state bailout but even worse than that. there are strings attached to the over three and a billion dollars given to states and localities buried one of them is no new tax cuts. it stops states from doing tax cuts but here is to discuss all of that and more tennessee senator marsha blackburn. let's get to biden's bailout in a second but i just love your reaction to the news that we reported in the top of the show, president biden finally saying something about andrew cuomo, totally inadequate as we discussed earlier but what is your take on where the cuomo scandal stands tonight? >> i tell you, i thank you are exactly right. it is inadequate. there are growing calls by a bipartisan group of legislation at the local state and federal level who are calling for him to resign and probably he should be listening more to the people that are there in albany and spending less time trying to plead his case across the country. steve: i think a lot of people would agree with that and not just republicans. that is what is interesting about the way democrats finally weighing in but still nothing from vice president harris as i noted earlier but the great champion of the meat to movement and you will remember that from those hearings. senator, let's talk about the bailout bill. it seems to me this particular aspect, the requirement that it states take any of the bailout money than they are forbidden or can be stopped by the treasury secretary from implementing tax cuts in their states. that's a blatant federal power grab and that's like very blatant but it seems to be the whole thing is a federal power grab. >> yes, you are exactly right. it's a federal power grab. states, what they are trying to do, is go for control and power over all the states in the cities. they are trying to force their will and centralize federal government so this is the way they are going about it and if you take some money then you cannot cut taxes. the reason they are doing this, i think, is because you have several state legislators this year that are trying to do what tennessee did probably 20 years ago which is to make certain that we never have a state income tax and even putting it in our state constitution in 2014 in the form of an amendment but see, the federal government wants to tax you so that they have more of a spend. if they give money to your local government they want you to be beholden to the federal government. it doesn't matter if it is telling you how you can tax, when you contacts, it doesn't matter if it is telling you how you're going to run elections, it doesn't matter if it's about gun rights, what they are trying to do is take control and micromanage every city, every county and every state in this country. steve: it's interesting because as i hear you talk it reminds me of the ee view. they have this policy of stopping tax competition as they call it which is really about stopping countries like the uk from cutting taxes to make themselves more competitive. very quickly, senator, is there anything we can do? so much of these are unconstitutional so can we fight this case legally? >> you will see some of the states that will take this go to court as well as they should. legislatively you will see us begin to go back in and file legislation to pair some of these provisions that were stuck into this bill in order to give the democrats control. what they want to do is to dominate and to make it impossible for there to be a two-party system. they want to run the whole show and they are using this hr one and other pieces of legislation, such as defund the police in order to centralize their power and control. steve: exactly. great to see you, senator. >> good to see you. steve: coming up, city council leaders in berkeley california try to make kamala harris childhood home a historic landmark. what she achieved to deserve that, you may ask? that, you may ask? tammy bruce is after the break hooh. that spin class was brutal. well you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oohh yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. pick something we all like. ok. hold on. what's your buick's wi-fi password? buickenvision2021. oh, you should pick something stronger. that's really predictable. that's a really tight spot. don't worry. i used to hate parallel parking. (all together) me too. hey! you really outdid yourself. yes, we did. the all-new buick envision. an suv built around you... all of you. steve: welcome back city council member from berkeley california put a resolution to change a city route law to allow kamala harris childhood home to be made into a historical landmark. however, the idea was abandoned after the current owners of the house expressed concern with the landmark disrupt a quiet neighbor. yeah that's the objection. what is she actually achieved to justify this. here is back to react tammy bruce, what do you make of this? >> i have a tiny feeling the vice president may be new of the effort but obviously it's inappropriate in some of the effort they mentioned lincoln and franklin roosevelt, there's a big difference between saving the nation in winning the civil war and getting us through the depression and world war ii, you do need to accomplish something more than being elected barack obama got the nobel peace prize for being elected. that ended up being a bad idea. whenever someone is being pushed artificially for something grand you might want to slow down ask andrew cuomo his enemy and his book. to slow down. steve: it only happens the democrats. >> yeah, does, it's because it's all theater in about things that are supposed to mean something not the actual accomplishment but it really does whether the peace prize or landmark status it's about what if you really accomplished is not a trophy for everyone, the society cannot work that way things have to be special and earned. steve: exactly we look forward to vice president harrises accomplishment a historic moment and she said something about andrew cuomo, great to see you. >> that would be a remarkable miracle. steve: don't forget to set your dvr for your next sunday when "the next revolution". jillian: it is monday, march 15th. democrats are rushing to president biden's defense by blaming the unprecedented migrant surge on the trump administration. >> the administration has inherited a broken system at the border and they are working to correct that. jillian: we're live in washington as a group of republicans heads to the border for answers. .>> the president breaking his silence on governor andrew cuomo's sexual harassment scandal, a live report as more than 160 lawmakers call for his resignation. jillian: bye-bye drew

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