The centenary of the Father of the Nation, and following on its heels the golden jubilee of the country’s independence, have precipitated a tireless round of celebratory events and an avalanche of varied publications.
In 2018, after she finished writing the manuscript of her first poetry collection,
On Days Like This, Shaira Afrida Oyshee was fortunate enough to meet writer and critic Syed Manzoorul Islam. Two weeks later, he said he found it worthwhile . Soon on, her collection was published by Journeyman Books. The success of her debut collection still fresh, her second poetry collection –
All the Quiet Places – was published by Anyaprokash in 2019. I understood that I was surrounded by literature and publishing people and that if I wasn t I would still be where I am, but it would take me at least two more years of dedicatedly searching for a publisher or getting accepted, she says, acknowledging her upbringing in a family active in the literary scene.