video torment everybody in the house. he says his family is coping as well as can be expected. they have been thrilled to see the kids and how they are reacting to a big home. these are kids that have only known a hole for the last few years. he s been so pleased to see how they have been taking everything in in the last few hours. he has a lot more to say but wants to wats until he feels he can say it and bring some thought to it. he knows there s a lot of questions and if in terms of him take egg it in, he wants to have a normal existence for those kids. five, two and an infant and wants to make sure they have the kind of life they deserve after having gone through this extraordinary situation. the whole family considers it a miracle they came out relatively unscathed. it seems everybody is okay and is in good health. manager i kn his kids having seen toys for
going there is going to have to divert at least some resources away from the rescue effort and toward him. i think it s premature to make any judgments about how the federal response has been to this hurricane and there s still torrential rains that are falling in large swats of texas and in louisiana, which is the very point that a lot of people are making today as the president prepares to head likely to corpus christi with his first stop tomorrow morning. corpus christi where the hurricane hit. governor abbott saying the intention is that the president wopt go to houston where the emergency responses still so active, where the evacuations are still taking place. the president insisting that he wants to go down there. white house officials really view this as a moment to demonstrate their support for the people of texas, but obviously as you note, it takes resources for a presidential trip like this. and some of the president obama s old aides say they support the idea that the pre
shake hands for the first time will be analyzed around the world. let s begin with missile alert. north korea has tested a missile as you heard, that could go far enough to hit u.s. soil. let me say that again. this is a missile that could go far enough to hit u.s. soil. take a look. pyongyang releasing images of the successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile that could potentially carry a nuclear warhead. you will see the abbreviation. icbm. that s intercontinental ballistic missile. north korea also releasing new images of its leader, kim jong-un celebrating its success. the u.s. responding with a show of force of its own. the u.s. and south korean military firing missiles into the wats off south korea. the u.s. also calling an emergency meeting of the united nations security council this afternoon. all of this as president trump boarded air force one just a few hours ago heading to poland,
president obama came in a couple tenths ahead of the but this is an entire percentage point and this is just cheating. it is just one. wats he is cooking the books. there are some real increases in defense is that homeland security while cutting spending for the poor. in terms of making the numbers add up. two separate issues. bernie sanders thinks it is an unfair budget for the poor. that s a valid issue. the math doesn t work. you ve written about the tax dodge in your article. this budget assumes tax reform that steve noox, the treasury secretary said not likely to be seen at the earliest, the end of 2017. as you know, very hard to do in and of itself. and not only that, they assume that it would be deficit neutral. another one of those, like the old joke that the economist on the desert island who needs a can opener and says, assume a can opener.
about food. my sort of structure and pragmatism comes from being raised in sweden. and my sort of vibrancy and warmth to cooking and feel-based food that i love comes definitely from here. anthony: weirdly enough, the single aspect of ethiopian culture most westerners do know a little about is ethiopian food. so, maybe you ve had this. oh, wow. now now that that looks good. that, that is exciting. what is it? maya: this is typical ethiopian vegetarian. they make it really nice. anthony: at kategna restaurant, they do it classic. injera bread. that s ethiopian 101. marcus: i mean, when you think about ethiopian food, right, the foundation is really the injera bread. anthony: it s not just food, it s an implement. marcus: yeah. anthony: we re having beyaynetu, a selection of stews, or wats, as they re called around here. that s gomen, sauteed greens. shiro wat, which is a chickpea stew. and tikil gomen, sauteed white