Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that children of India have shown their modern and scientific temperament in the vaccination programme and since January 3, in just 20 days, more than 40 million of them have taken the Corona .
India s star tourism destination Agra has suffered the most under the double-engine government that flaunts its saffron colours unabashedly, perhaps because of the perceived pro-Islamic character of the city, founded by Sikandar Lodhi in .
India s star tourism destination Agra has suffered the most under the double-engine government that flaunts its saffron colours unabashedly, perhaps because of the perceived pro-Islamic character of the city, founded by Sikandar Lodhi in 1504.
Since the Supreme Court took up the PIL of MC Mehta on pollution threats to the Taj Mahal in 1993, thousands of crores of rupees have been spent in the Taj Trapezium Zone on controlling pollution, but the results are not visible to the public.