Shares of JSW Steel have surged over 36% from their 52-week low in nearly six months. Currently, the shares of JSW Steel trade at Rs 708.10 against the yearly low of Rs 520.10 hit on May 26, 2022, implying a gain of 36.19% during the period. The rally in the JSW Steel stock can be attributed to a growth in healthy steel demand globally as well as domestically during FY23. A strong recovery in the Indian market since May-end has also led to positive sentiment around the stock. The 30-stock Sensex has surged 13.73% or 7,451 points since May 26 this year. Similarly, the BSE metal index has climbed 12% or 2124 points from 17,751 on May 26 to 19,875 in the current session.
Shares of JSW Steel have surged over 36% from their 52-week low in nearly six months. Currently, the shares of JSW Steel trade at Rs 708.10 against the yearly low of Rs 520.10 hit on May 26, 2022, implying a gain of 36.19% during the period. The rally in the JSW Steel stock can be attributed to a growth in healthy steel demand globally as well as domestically during FY23. A strong recovery in the Indian market since May-end has also led to positive sentiment around the stock. The 30-stock Sensex has surged 13.73% or 7,451 points since May 26 this year. Similarly, the BSE metal index has climbed 12% or 2124 points from 17,751 on May 26 to 19,875 in the current session.
Shares of JSW Steel have gained 28 per cent from their 52-week low amid highly volatile domestic market. The stock of the JSW Group firm, hit a 52-week low of Rs 520.10 on May 26, 2022. It is currently trading at Rs 665.10, translating into a rise of 28 per cent in less than three months.