Jessica Harper (PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE) stars as Suzy Banyon, a young American ballet dancer who arrives at a prestigious European dance academy run by the mysterious Madame Blanc (Joan Bennett of DARK SHADOWS) and Miss Tanner (Alida Valli of.
Jessica Harper (PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE) stars as Suzy Banyon, a young American ballet dancer who arrives at a prestigious European dance academy run by the mysterious Madame Blanc (Joan Bennett of DARK SHADOWS) and Miss Tanner (Alida Valli of.
A newcomer to a prestigious German ballet academy, American student Suzy Banyon (Jessica Harper) struggles to adapt to the school's strict and unusual regime. She gradually comes to realise that the staff are a coven of witches embarking on a frightening plot. Widely considered to be the most shocking and hallucinatory horror movie in history.