Clarksville Now16-year-old Dylan Lawrence.
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (CLARKSVILLENOW) – Dec. 16 was a just another day for most, but for 16-year-old high school junior Dylan Lawrence, it would be a day he and his family would never forget.
For weeks, Dylan had been experiencing odd symptoms. He was having trouble with his vision, and his balance and sense of spatial navigation were affected. His mom, Susan Lawrence, took him to the doctor after he started throwing up without a fever.
The urgent care center was unable to provide answers, so Susan took Dylan to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital emergency room, where they conducted an MRI for Dylan to see if something else might be going on.
Letters: Covid lessons, TEC funding cuts, John Roughan and summer TV
1 Jan, 2021 04:00 PM
8 minutes to read
NZ Herald
Letter of the week: John Ford, Taradale If there is one thing I have learnt this past year, it is this: we can do things if we want to.
We had money for everything Covid. We could create jobs, we could extend immigration and we could afford to fill the car with petrol.
We could get to the South Island on a budget never before seen, Queenstown actually valued the Kiwi visitor.
Many ivory castles were destroyed by Covid. Where there was a bureaucratic minefield of rules and regulation, somehow, they were excused in 2020.
Written by Town of New Castle
New Castle Snow removal
DPW will continue snow removal operations in the Chappaqua hamlet tonight beginning at 6PM. This will include removing the mounds of snow along the curb to allow people to move freely from the street parking to the sidewalk. If you are downtown today doing holiday shopping, please take care getting in and out of your cars. The parking lots on South Greeley, Allen Place, and across from Susan Lawrence are now cleared as well.
Garbage collection: As a reminder, Thursday’s scheduled collection will happen today Friday, Dec. 18. Friday’s scheduled collection will be on Saturday, December 19. Refuse should be placed curbside by 7 am. DO NOT PUT OUT REFUSE AND RECYCLING OVERNIGHT.
Letters: Tax-deductible mortgages, Kumeu development, vaccine priorities and Trelise Cooper
15 Dec, 2020 04:00 PM
9 minutes to read
To assist young first home buyers, should their mortgage interest be deductible against tax payable on wages? Photo / File
To assist young first home buyers, should their mortgage interest be deductible against tax payable on wages? Photo / File
NZ Herald
Flipping the housing paradox If my granddaughter purchased a home to live in she would have to pay all mortgage interest, insurance, rates, plus repairs and maintenance costs out of her tax-paid earnings with no tax write-offs. Yet as a investor, under current tax laws I can purchase a home, rent it to her at a market rent then claim the mortgage interest plus all the above-listed outgoings as tax-deductible expenses against this rent, thus showing no profit or tax payable. Thanks to a past multimillionaire Prime Minister cancelling gift duty, I can at some future date gift b
little brighter for 2011. and from the pittsburgh post- gazette, the economy seems to be stabilizing. our focus for the next 45 minutes is on the new congress. a piece by former representative harold giving advice to a freshman rep. but we want to find out if things will really change in washington d.c. the numbers are on the screen. let s begin with democratic representative harold ford. he offers the following advice from the washington post. meanwhile this morning, from the wrapup look at cq weekly, they re looking at parties at wrapping up committee rosters. let s hear from you as the new congress begins in washington next week. will things really changed in our nation s capital? the soviet joins us from broken arrow, a coloma sofia joins us from broken arrow, okla.. go ahead with your comment. caller: i am so happy that the house, the senate, and everyone there and the white house is working on together in unity. it is long overdue. the military, which my son has don