moore situation forced democrats to confront the roy moore issue. these aren t just random accusations. howie: i remember decades ago hearing women shouldn t get in an elevator with strom thurmond. mark foley, bill pack ward and denny hastert. why hasn t there been more media coverage of this? susan: congress isn t subject to the freedom of information laws. what jackie speier revealed, she was able to get. congress is not subjected to open records law. a lot of this anecdote alice
ferrecho . ferrecho. susan: she hopes it s going to change. this whole me too campaign and the involvement on social media where people are going on twitter and telling their stories. that could bring about change. all these revelations will i think instead of learning more names will perhaps put on notice lawmakers or staffers who might otherwise think they can harass a woman and get away with it. howie: you mention al franken, it doesn t look like they had to chase democratic senators to denounce him. susan: i think what happened was the juxtaposition to the roy
whispered about and not something that s talked about publicly. people worry about the professional risks of talking about what happened to them. we don t know the names of these lawmakers. we said why can t you tell us would who these lawmakers are? she said the victims don t want their names revealed because it will expose them. it is a professional risk once you put your name in and start complaining. howie: susan ferrecho thanks very much. bill clinton was impeached about his misconduct. a media uproar as the justice department considers a special counsel for hillary clinton.
the juxtaposition to the roy moore situation forced democrats to confront the roy moore issue. these aren t just random accusations. howie: i remember decades ago hearing women shouldn t get in an elevator with strom thurmond. mark foley, bill pack ward and denny hastert. why hasn t there been more media coverage of this? susan: congress isn t subject to the freedom of information laws. what jackie speier revealed, she was able to get. congress is not subjected to open records law.
a lot of this anecdote alice whispered about and not something that s talked about publicly. people worry about the professional risks of talking about what happened to them. we don t know the names of these lawmakers. we said why can t you tell us would who these lawmakers are? she said the victims don t want their names revealed because it will expose them. it is a professional risk once you put your name in and start complaining. howie: susan ferrecho thanks very much. bill clinton was impeached about his misconduct. a media uproar as the justice department considers a special counsel for hillary clinton. my dad s.