moore situation forced democrats to confront the roy moore issue. these aren't just random accusations. howie: i remember decades ago hearing women shouldn't get in an elevator with strom thurmond. mark foley, bill pack ward and denny hastert. why hasn't there been more media coverage of this? susan: congress isn't subject to the freedom of information laws. what jackie speier revealed, she was able to get. congress is not subjected to open records law. a lot of this anecdote alice

Related Keywords

Roy Moore ,Accusations ,Situation ,Issue ,Democrat ,Aren T ,Sexual Harass Howie ,Women Shouldn T ,Elevator ,Strom Thurmond ,Mark Foley ,Bill Pack Ward ,Hasn T ,Susan Ferrecho ,Media Coverage ,Congress Isnt Subject To The Freedom Of Information Laws ,Denny Hastert ,Lot ,Congress ,Anecdote ,Open Records Law ,Jackie Speier ,Alice ,

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