The solar eclipse of 2023, also known as the "Ring of Fire," will take place on October 14. However, it will not be visible in India. The eclipse will be visible in various countries, including North America, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. It is important to take precautions while observing the eclipse, such as using protective eyewear or a pinhole projector, as directly viewing the eclipse can cause severe damage to the eyes.
Image: Pixaby
The first solar eclipse of 2021 is going to occur on Thursday, i.e June 10. During the phenomena, the Moon will move between the Sun and the Earth and the three celestial bodies will align in one line with each other wherein the Sun’s light will be blocked from reaching the Earth. reveals that the solar eclipse on June 10, 2021 will start at 1:42pm and will last till 6:41pm in India. Also Read - Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro captures a stunning Solar Eclipse 2020 video: Watch here
The solar eclipse is going to occur as a ‘ring of fire’. As per NASA, several parts of Canada, Greenland, and Russia will witness the eclipse. NASA highlighted that countries like New York, Washington DC, London, and Toronto will see a partial eclipse. Also Read - Solar Eclipse 2020: How to watch live online, Surya Grahan India time and other details