looked into the russia situation is because of what christopher steele did for the democrats. as congressman swalwell said, the democratic memo was supposed to give a longer time line, showed the interest in carter page that predated that episode, and why he in particular was of concern. and he was of concern before this whole thing happened. yeah, 2013. yeah, exactly. so why was that? and the thing that the trump campaign and now trump administration has never liked is the obvious question that comes next, which is what were they doing hang out with this guy? like why was he a foreign policy advisor if he had these known problems? and why once carter page himself knew that there was a problem afoot and potentially knew that he was under investigation or surveillance, why did he himself not come forward?
if you are surveilling carter page who never got paid, that s what we know about that, i don t think he was integral to the campaign but he had contact with people on the campaign and all of the conversations both written and verbal were being surveilled by the federalal government. that s what surveillance is. tucker: at the obama administration is spying on the trump campaign. the obama administration thankfully took this very seriously. they went and got a want on someone, the warrant was based on george papadopoulos. they dossier was part of the warrant. tucker: that s not true the point is, let s be totally honest here. the obama administration is spying on the trump campaign, maybe there s an awesome reason for it, no one has explained that yet. we were are assuming it s totally fine, he would not assume it s totally fine if you flip around. i happened to trust our government, i know these days is
security reason for doing that? the president s campaign was stocked with people starting with carter page who was under fbi surveillance going back to 2013 nothing to do with the president s campaign. his contacts warranted multiple surveillance warrants starting in october of 2016, four more times do the math. it takes you into the trump administration trump administration. tucker: i m aware of that, you like a lot of people who have abandoned concerns about civil liberties are assuming that because someone is under surveillance he s done something wrong. i would argue that the onus is on thehe government to explain y you re spying on americans. in i think most people would agree with you. the fisat court sets a high bar. tucker: no applications for fisa courts are ever turned dow down. but so few were ever made. tucker: this is chicken or the egg.
trump campaign and now trump administration has never liked is the obvious question that comes next is what were they doing hanging out with this guy? why was he a foreign policy adviser if he had these known problems. and why once carter page himself knew that there was a problem afoot and potentially knew that he was under investigation, like or surveillance, why did he himself not come forward. congressman, let me ask you about the fact that this memo, the democratic memo responding to the nunes memo would clarify the reason that the fbi looked and surveilled basically carter page. anything else we expect to hear as the final version comes out again next week? the revised version of the democratic memo? what else can we expect to learn? well, it was mostly to restore fairly restore the credibility of the fbi because they sought to you know really
tell us? i can tell that you it shows the arsenal of evidence that went into surveilling carter page that was independent of the steele investigation. it puts i think a very accurate timeline and it shows and elevates the seriousness of what russia was doing and why we should have been so concerned who they were working for. anne, respond to the congressman. i think that is what people want to know, that this whole thing that was trumped up literally trumped up that somehow the only reason they looked into the russian situation was because of what christopher steele did for the democrats. yeah, as congress swalwell said, the democratic memo was supposed to give a longer timeline, showed the interest in carter page that predated that will episode. and why he in particular was of concern. he was of concern before this whole thing happened. 2013. right, exactly. so why was that? and you know, the thing that the