when i state that. i think chief justice job roberts echoed that in his dissent. if you wanted it to be the law of the land congratulations, celebrate your vict raempt don t think the constitution had anything to do with it. don t ridicule those who disagree because of their faith. you would have to say hillary clinton was a bigot until recently. very recently she said i don t believe in same-sex marriage. there are millions of americans who don t. some of whom will vote in republican primaries and caucuses. i believe that they and these candidates will speak from a place of faith. however, the republican party also says it respects the rule of law. what these presidential candidates need to say this is currently the law.
if i want to 41run for president and change the law one of the questions here is in 2004 it was so clear cut. mast legalized gay marriage. they spotted political opportunity. we are running against this. we re calling for a consdment. now that s the question for republicans going forward. do you want to spend 2016 saying we re going to try to amend the constitution? no, you don t. i think the supreme court has done republicans a favor by taking this issue out of their hands and then if you re marco rubio or jeb bush you can have this shift where you say that the court has ruled and we have to respect the court s decision. both of them actually said that. which is a remarkable shift given where we were a couple years ago. it s a testament to how the tide in public opinion has turned. sure scott walker saying a constitutional amendment is something he would support. he s trying to win the primary and hold on to conservative support in favor of traditional
dismantle the legislation. marco rubio quoting i remain committed to repealing this bad law and replacing it. jeb bush tweeting i am disappointed in the decision but this is not the end of the fight. scott walker adopted justice scalia s language. quoting today s scotus care ruling means republicans immediate repeal this law. how will republicans move forward legislatively and rhetorically in the face of thursday s decision? joining is a congressman charley dent. is the fight against obamacare by republicans over? the short answer would be no, it s not over. i believe what you will see is that the republicans in the house and senate will find specific aspects of the healthcare law that are problematic. for example, the medical device tax repeal.
we want to turn to the other big decision out of the supreme court this week. more huge news to digest here. which is one day before yesterday s same-sex marriage decision. it was a decision yesterday to pave the way for same sex unions in all 50 states. before that the justices decided another case. it saved a key part of president obama s legacy. affordable care act, obamacare as it s more commonly known. today, after more than 50 votes in congress to repeal or weaken this law, after a presidential election based in part on preserving or repealing this law, after multiple challenges to this law before the supreme court, the affordable care act is here to stay. in the 6-3 decision the court held the healthcare law allows the federal government to provide subsidies to americans who purchase health insurance. regardless of whether a person
this basic idea of carving out space in this country where gay marriage is legal from coast to coast, carving out space for religious people who say i am morally opposed to this. if it s the law of the land it s the law of the land but i don t want anything to do with it. it gets down to the question should the bakery owner have to make the cake for the gay couple getting married. where do you come down on that? first of all, certainly the first amendment says that constitutions of faith that there is absolute power to you know to observe religious deeply held religious beliefs. i don t think it extends far beyond that. we ve seen the set of arguments play out in issues such as access to contraception. should it be the individual pharmacist whose religious beliefs guides whether a prescription is filled. or in this context, they re