world. how about going to? hannity anthony fauci grilled of the hill, and as always, his memory seems a little off. take a loof.k. i why was it so important i the virus not have started in a lawatersb? why was it so important that?ow the virus not we don t know. we know is important someone in the biden administration, so much so that the top people much at mit, the top people at facebook are asking, why are we getting all this pressurfacebookaskingel to downplay the lab leak theory ? and guess what? we have dr.. rand paul, senator rand paul, he actually has the actual smoking gun emails. he put paul, in his book. anyway, the once drunk with power, dr. fauci a skirted accountability for years while gaslighting the american people every step of the way. but a free pass that might soons be oveoor. d we ll check in with rand paul. that s coming up. also tonight, wells , mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to this new report, the biden administration, they just
quickly and they were worried about guilt. they re worriean werd about. they re worried that anybody s hande s that touch the money., anybody who approved the money going to wuhan wouldo prov ultiy get blame. so fauci actually organizedroxia a paper called proximal origins. he had five virologists writeols the paper. most of them were well-rewardetd with large grants. christian andersen gotian ande h million grant about a month after this. meanwhile, all of thesisey people were privately saying, oh, my goodness, it looks like go. as manipulated but publicly they were saying it s a conspiracy theory. wereg, it t to facebook,e they suppressed it. they told facebook, suppressas d the of anything coming from the lab. it s all conspiracy theory so i so in no way was fauci ever objective. no wayfauci in on this. he pressed hard and he usedof his 40 years worth of accumulated power to try la suppres.s suppress any story diat this came from the lab and. anybody that disagreed was labeled a c