Perspectives on this. What i will say ab is that t know that any one side here has a monopoly on caring for the maintenance and the reliability of the system. I think all of us believe that thats a priority, and thats something that we should do. But the reason why the amendments are made, supervisor wiener, simply because there are those of us who believe as a principle, that in reality in fact being for making the system accessible touocu income youth is not exclusive mutually exclusive from trying to maintain the system. And that i think goes to the very heart of this point that to the extent that you have issues with what muni is doing or not doing with some things, that predicating the resolution of those issues solely or primarily on whether or not to put this thats the right way to frame this. The last thing that i would say is, as you correctly noted, the board of supervisors has acted before on this. I dont know that there has been any new information or evidence thats been p
Thats the right way to frame this. The last thing that i would say is, as you correctly noted, the board of supervisors has acted before on this. I dont know that there has been any new information or evidence thats been presented here about the pros and cons of this system. The fact is that the folks who have raised concerns about the free muni for youth for low income youth pilot have consistently been against that. And i respect that. But there is nothing new that theyre saying in terms, respectjjp 9 terms of their opposition. So the amendments that are before you reflect the fact that this board of supervisors has been on record before, and we believe should be on record again, asking that we commit to making this pilot a reality on the premise that working on this pilot that makes muni accessible does not preclude maintaining the system and if so it is in that spirit that this amendment is offered and i hope that my colleagues support the amendments. Thank you. President chiu col
I could have it built as i know welders and people who could do the casting. There are two signs that say there is no soliciting. One is on this little gas ebbo, and the other is on if you were to extend it, the bathroom that goes here. Currently, there are dpw advertising these are temporary gates. They look horrible and have horriblelooking cones in front of8iacg them. Probably more important although this is where i need or was healing but the police put rubber gloves on and threatened to take me away. The city breaks about five laws. It used to be they just perform in the evenings and take away the people from their angst in the rain. Now they take away the childrens right to ascension, the peoples right to talk, and the peoples right to heal and use our park as we choose. Theyre are loud speakers going on president chiu thank you veryzj ksn much. Are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general Public Comment in seeing closed. Madam clerk, could we go to th
Institution in San Francisco, the Labor Community but also the Lgbt Community and so many communities that have been fighting for social justice. It is true that howards Sisters Brothers in the queer labor and elder human rights movements had the sad duty to report his death on wednesday, november 14 at the beautiful vista manner in San Francisco. He was a veteran of social Movement Since his High School Years in denver, colorado, where when he became an activist. He was born on august 29, 1936 worcester, massachusetts and then to denver where howard spent most of his upbringing. As he talked about his Sexual Orientation and the fact that he was gay, youx jr,i know, he sais aware being gay in the second grade. It gave me a strong empathy with other underdogs that stuck with me all of my life. Howard was actually a junior in high school when he joined the local chapters of the naacp and he diagram onstraitd demonstrated leadership skills, managing the campaign of the first africanameric
Resident on marina boulevard. Thank you. Hi. I recently found out we all recently found out about the proposal to agree to a lease a restaurant lease on the marina green. And were quick to action. We presented yesterday, and were here finding out we can do this again tonight to speak to all of you. First of all, late notice on this very important decision, its greens are open space, our beautifulhj[ waterfront, placina restaurant, you know, comments have been made, serving alcohol, long hours, additional lighting, lack of parking facilities. It should be taken into greater consideration. I understand that park and rec is looking to raise funds, especially to develop the west side or western yacht harbor. Im sure there are other alternatives to be able to do fundraising for that purpose without destroying our beautiful city sky or waterfront. I7j÷ think its rather just astonishing that when we speak to our neighbors, that no one knows of this. Although rec and park said that they did a