Integration and carefree operations. Weve been operating as a type 42, which is 21 and up, craft beer sports bar. The only thing that this new application will allow us to do is add a line of craft spirits, in addition to our craft beer offerings, which are the widest variety in the city of San Francisco. We look to complement our existing operations, which wont change because well still be a 21 and up drinking place. There is really no operational changes needed, other than having an additional line of product. Otherwise, you know, we appreciate your support. And we have a lot of support from our neighborhood, from all of the residents. And people who have been patronizing and supporting our operations and our venue for quite some time. And we look forward to moving forward and having a great relationship with San Francisco and the a. L. U. , and the Police Department and fire department, as we always have. Thank you. Chairman thank you. Are there any members of the public who would l
Wraparound resources for manufacturers that sets us apart from other Small Business support organizations who provide more generalized support. Everything we do has really been developed over time by listening and thinking about what manufacturer needs grow. For example, it would be traditional things like helping them find capital, provide assistance loans, help to provide Small Business owners with education. We have had some great experience doing what you might call pop ups or temporary selling events, and maybe the most recent example was one that we did as part of sf made week in partnership with the city Seas Partnership with Small Business, creating a 100 Company Selling day right here at city hall, in partnership with mayor lee and the board of supervisors, and it was just a wonderful opportunity for many of our smaller manufacturers who may be one or twoperson shop, and who dont have the wherewithal to have their own dedicated retail store to show their products and it comes
Federal government gets the count right, so weve created count sf to motivate all sf count to motivate all citizens to participate in the census. For the immigrant community, a lot of people arent sure whether they should take part, whether this is something for u. S. Citizens or whether its something for anybody whos in the yUnited States, and it is something for everybody. Census counts the entire population. Weve given out 2 million to over 30 communitybased organizations to help people do the census in the communities where they live and work. Weve also partnered with the Public Libraries here in the city and also the Public Schools to make sure there are informational materials to make sure the folks do the census at those sites, as well, and weve initiated a campaign to motivate the citizens and make sure they participate in census 2020. Because of the language issues that many Chinese Community and families experience, there is a lot of mistrust in the federal government and whe
Representatives in congress. Its important for San Francisco because if we dont have all of the people in our city if we dont have all of the folks in California California and San Francisco stand to lose billions of dollars in funding. Its really important to the city of San Francisco that the federal government gets the count right so weve created count sf to motivate all sf count to motivate all citizens to participate in the census. For the immigrant community, a lot of people arent sure whether they should take part whether this is something for u. S. Citizens or whether its something for anybody whos in the youunited states and it is something for everybody. Census counts the entire population. Weve given out 2 million to over 30 communitybased organizations to help people do the census in the communities where they live and work. Weve also partnered with the Public Libraries here in the city and also the Public Schools to make sure there are informational materials to make sure
With grace and kindness and willing to work with us. I have no doubt that hes going to do a great job implementing Mental Health s. F. Dr. Grant colfax. [ applause ]. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you, supervisor ronen and mayor breed, for bringing us here today and the city leaders together to solve the most urgent problem facing our city. You made sure that the department of Public Health and the clinicians, Community Partners, clients, patients, the people we serve, contributed their collective wisdom to this transformative plan for asterisk. Under your leadership, mayor breed, with the help of people here today, we will make a positive impact in transforming our Behavioral Health system to serve the people in greatest need. Thank you again, supervisor ronen and haney, for your commitment to health and dignity for san franciscans experiencing homelessness, mental illness, and Substance Use disorders. The department of Public Health shares the passion and urgency you bring to this