Nations rise and fall. For 400 years, white powers dominated the world. Suddenly today, China is challenging their dominance. Hark back only a 100 years. Britannia ruled the waves. But the Germans were rising. They.
The head honcho of Pakistan, its army chief, Asim Munir, is just back from a 5-day trip to America, an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Perhaps the proclivities of his masters there influenced him to partake of.
In 2023, India’s Republic Day parade fell on 26 January. The US President’s State of the Union (SOTU) address to the US Congress fell on 7 February, 2023. In 2024, India’s Republic Day parade will.
What is common for India between the Israel-Hamas war and the Russian-Ukrainian war? At first glance, it seems not much. But in both wars, one party is an iron brother of India, Russia in the.
Since 1947, South Asia has been plagued by war. There have been multiple wars between India and Pakistan. There has been the anti-Soviet American jihad and the American war on terror in Afghanistan. The Tehreek.