Stidley Productions, Ari Stidham and David Stidham present J. Elijah Cho as 'Mr. Yunioshi' at the Soho Playhouse Huron Club, located at 15 Vandam St, New York, NY 10013.
South Korean Television Star Oh Ji-eun visited J. Elijah Cho's 'Mr. Yunioshi.' Ms. Oh is best known to South Korean television fans for her roles in the weekend drama 'Three Brothers', the daily drama 'Smile Again', the sitcom 'Living Among the Rich, the entertainment industry satire 'The King of Dramas', and the supernatural police procedural 'Cheo Yong.'
For 30 years, Theater Talk has been appointment listening on WBFO, featuring the insights of theater critic and historian, Anthony Chase, who joins Peter Hall for a five-minute weekly broadcast at 6:45 and 8:45 Friday mornings on 88.7 WBFO with a podcast available on This week's show talks about Covid postponements, THE OTHER JOSH COHEN at MusicalFare, and mentions famous understudy Lenora Nemetz who is even mentioned in NUNSENSE for writing a (fictitious) book "Being An Understudy."
BELFAST The Belfast Maskers present the world premiere of local writer Tucker Atwood's new play, “Dance Again”. “Equal parts farce, satire, and drama, ‘Dance Again’ will satisfy theater goers by tickling funny bones, pulling heartstrings, and.
For 30 years, Theater Talk has been appointment listening on WBFO, featuring the insights of theater critic and historian, Anthony Chase, who joins Peter Hall for a five-minute weekly broadcast at 6:45 and 8:45 Friday mornings on 88.7 WBFO with a podcast available on