Stidley Productions, Ari Stidham and David Stidham present J. Elijah Cho as 'Mr. Yunioshi' at the Soho Playhouse Huron Club, located at 15 Vandam St, New York, NY 10013.
South Korean Television Star Oh Ji-eun visited J. Elijah Cho's 'Mr. Yunioshi.' Ms. Oh is best known to South Korean television fans for her roles in the weekend drama 'Three Brothers', the daily drama 'Smile Again', the sitcom 'Living Among the Rich, the entertainment industry satire 'The King of Dramas', and the supernatural police procedural 'Cheo Yong.'
A new play by ex-Israeli soldier Jonathan Hirsch. Set in a military bunker on the outskirts of combat, this sobering comedy about a squad of four soldiers weaves through the final ninety minutes of someone's life.
Stidley Productions, Ari Stidham and David Stidham will present J. Elijah Cho as 'Mr. Yunioshi' at the Soho Playhouse Huron Club, located at 15 Vandam St, New York, NY 10013.