Adani Wilmar shares were up 0.24 per cent at Rs 358.50, as the Adani group firm was expected to report a muted set of quarterly earnings, with revenue falling in double-digits and Ebitda tumbling over 50 per cent.
Sulzon Energy shares climbed 4.79 per cent to Rs 40.49 per cent on BSE. The stock has surged 8.5 per cent in the four sessions. Suzlon Energy said it has already installed the first prototype of the series at a hub height of 160m.
Suzlon Energy shares hit a 52-week high of Rs 40.50 on BSE, up 4.81 per cent. he scrip has gained 8.52 per cent in the four-day rise. The MSCI rejig will be effective from November 30 and is seen adding $1.5 billion in passive inflows to India.
Suzlon Energy stock was trading 1.12 per cent higher at Rs 38.84 on BSE. This was in addition to a 1.13 per cent rise on the counter on Sunday (Muhurat trading) and 1.77 per cent rise in Friday.
JP Power led the volume chart, with 28,83,76,963 shares worth Rs 385 crore changing hands. The stock climbed 5.24 per cent to Rs 13.05. The company board would meet on November 10 to declare its quarterly and semi-annual results.