Suzlon Energy share price: The stock rose 4.54 per cent to trade at Rs 44.70 from its day's low price of Rs 42.76. The multibagger counter has gained more than 390 per cent in a year. Bourses BSE and NSE have put the securities of Suzlon under the long-term ASM (Additional Surveillance Measure) framework.
Suzlon Energy share price: The stock surged 4.41 per cent to scale their one-year high of Rs 45.45. At this price, the multibagger stock has rallied 553.02 per cent from its 52-week low of Rs 6.96, a level seen on March 28 last year when it turned into a penny stock.
Suzlon Energy share price: The stock today jumped 3.91 per cent to hit a day high of Rs 38.50 over its previous close of Rs 37.05. The multibagger stock has rallied more than 250 per cent this year.
Suzlon Group, India's foremost provider of renewable energy solutions, has recently secured a significant order for the development of a 100.8 MW wind power project. The order comes from the Indian subsidiary of a leading Nordic Energy Company, solidifying Suzlon's position in the renewable energy sector., Companies News, Times Now
Suzlon Energy share price: The stock rose 3.64 per cent to hit high of Rs 38.69 on BSE. With this, the stock is up 256.34 per cent year-to-date. Suzlon said it would also undertake post-commissioning operation and maintenance services.