A Mumbai court denied the bail pleas of three students arrested in connection with the 'Bulli Bai' app, which targeted Muslim women by posting their images online for "auction."
The Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate Komalsing Rajput pronounced the verdict today in the bail applications filed by the three accused arrested so far - Vishal Jha, Mayank Rawat and Shweta Singh
A video of a Clubhouse conversation on the topic `Muslim gals are more beautiful than Hindu gals` went viral on social media. In the said conversation, the participants were allegedly heard making obscene, vulgar and derogatory remarks targeting Muslim women and girls.
A Delhi court declined to grant release to Aumkareshwar Thakur, the designer of the Sulli Deals app, on Sunday, claiming that the probe is still in its early stages and that granting bail now would prejudice a fair investigation. Thakur, a 25-year-old Indore resident from New York City Township, was seized on January 8 by Delhi Police.