The comedian-turned politician and the newly sworn-in Chief Minister of Punjab Bhagwant Mann has seen a meteoric rise in his career, making the debut in state politics to win the Lok Sabha elections to take the top post in a span of just eight years.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The comedian-turned politician and the newly sworn-in Chief Minister of Punjab Bhagwant Mann has seen a meteoric rise in his career, making the debut in state politics to win the Lok Sabha elections to take the top post in a span of just eight years. India News | Bhagwant Mann s Debut in Politics Takes Him to Meteoric Rise as Punjab CM.
The loss of seats in Uttar Pradesh, compared to the last presidential election, and the loss of allies like Shiv Sena and SAD may affect its winning chances.
As the term of five Rajya Sabha members elected from Punjab is going to expire in April, the Election Commission (EC) has announced the schedule for the biennial election to the Upper House of Parliament from the state.