you re getting more information, jim. what are you learning? it s a sickening time for sure. new information from pakistani military officials the attack could have been worse. the military believes these tackers had ammunition and supplies, food and water to last days. the pakistani military believes had those commandos not killed the attackers that the siege of the school would have lasted much longer. the military says this was certainly a suicide operation, that the attackers came to kill and to die themselves and also the latest death toll, 132 children, nine teachers, including the school s principal. 141 total. puts it in a special category in pakistan where you already have attacks with the death tolls 80, 100 more in recent years. special because they re going after little schoolkids, not adults. bobby, tell us more about this pakistani taliban known as the t.t.r.
saudi arabia. that was the first time he came to public notice. that attack didn t succeed, but killed his brother. somebody who would send their own brother on a suicide operation is somebody cold-blooded. he also has great skills. he s managed to get undetectable bombs on both american passenger planes and cargo planes bound to the united states. both of those were detected. what are you hearing, barbara, when you hear reports of u.s.-yemeni cooperations, drone strikes, helicopter strikes going out to the targets, is this a new phase for the united states? is the u.s. now engaged in what they call boots on the ground in yemen? not boots on the ground per se, wolf, we are told no u.s. combat forces on this mission over the weekend on the ground. they did pilot the helicopters. what the u.s. has been doing off and on very quietly, u.s. special forces had been
there s no reason fori doing that other to which it was conceived as a suicide operation. they obviously were intent on as much damage they could but with the knowledge that they were going to be caught and/or killed. in ha fact the initi it that the one who was killed was wearing a suicide which simply reinforces the impr of islamic terrorest in the wall street journal op-ed y days ago you think the obama administration and more pointedly the fbi is too delicate about islamic terrorism. explain what you mean and why that would be significant. for years has been purging its training materials t it s also been truction sensitivity from organizations that are thems brotherhoodaffiliates c.a.r.e. and isna. you say in your wall street
the underwear bomber, fort hood, fort dix. you had a recruiter killed in arkansas. you had the new york city subways. one after another, after another. what duz it take? it took success and even with success there is no acknowledgement. megyn: what do you make of theory they are two lone wolves but they got together with the pressure cookers and did what they were going to do without any outside direction? you don t put together that number of weapons which work and get to set them off simultaneously without a lot of help. you don t put together that much arm ray without a lot of help. they were focused on a task that involves a suicide operation without a lot of spiritual support. megyn: what about the decision by the administration
think back to a number of somali youth who ended up going to somalia. if memory serves me, the first suicide bombing in somalia several years ago was actually an american. yeah. i mean, i think, you know, the the kind of conventional wisdom is that americans would never engage in suicide operations, as you point out, anderson. there s now been three cases of american committing suicide in somalia. once you have americans committing suicide overseas in a way kind of a big barrier is breached. we saw british citizens conduct suicide operations overseas, and then we saw them attack in london in 2005. and i think one of the questions for investigators here is the extent to which these two brothers went into this knowing that they would die. you know, in a way, they were able to extend this series of attacks by not conducting a conventional suicide operation. in a sense like the mumbai attacks where the attackers went in knowing that eventually they would die. but spreading out the whol