you're getting more information, jim. what are you learning? >> it's a sickening time for sure. new information from pakistani military officials the attack could have been worse. the military believes these tackers had ammunition and supplies, food and water to last days. the pakistani military believes had those commandos not killed the attackers that the siege of the school would have lasted much longer. the military says this was certainly a suicide operation, that the attackers came to kill and to die themselves and also the latest death toll, 132 children, nine teachers, including the school's principal. 141 total. puts it in a special category in pakistan where you already have attacks with the death tolls 80, 100 more in recent years. >> special because they're going after little schoolkids, not adults. bobby, tell us more about this pakistani taliban known as the t.t.r.

Related Keywords

Pakistan ,Attack ,Military ,Officials ,Information ,Supplies ,Food ,Attackers ,Ammunition ,Water ,Jim Sciutto ,The School ,Siege ,Commandos ,Suicide Operation ,Children ,Attacks ,It ,Teachers ,Death Toll ,Death Tolls ,Category ,Principal 141 ,141 ,80 ,100 ,132 ,Nine ,Adults ,Pakistani Taliban ,School Kids ,Sttr ,Bobby Gersch ,

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