the documents are part of a larger trove seized by navy s.e.a.l.s during the 2011 raid on bin laden s compound in pakistan. back then president obama talked about what the s.e.a.l.s found. they have the presence of mind to still gather up a whole bunch of bin laden s material which will be a treasure trove of information. we anticipate that it can give us leads to other terrorists that we ve been looking for a long time, other high value targets. but also can give us a better sense of existing plots that might have been there. the documents also contain an apparent al qaeda job applications with questions like any hobbies or pastimes? do you wish to execute a suicide operation? and who should we contact in case you became a martyr?
anything of any domain? other hobbies or pastimes. other questions, do any of your family or friends work with the government? if so, would he/she be willing to cooperate with or help us? then here list the types of passport you possess. did you use a real or forged passport for your current travel here? also here, most importantly, do you wish to execute a suicide operation? so again, this goes on and on. and again, for the third page they also ask what ideas and views do you have for your family and your other acquaintances. how about jihad and more here. do you have chronic or hereditary diseases? and immediately following is this, who should we contact in case you became a martyr? other job applications maybe ask who are your beneficiaries, who do we contact in case of emergency, they ask who should we contact in case you become a martyr. you know the application actually ends with the words
investigation. but it was ntsb it was with the navy salvage operations to bring up the remains of the aircraft and the human remains to try to find any physical evidence that would katie the aircraft went down after the black boxes were recovered and much better insight. but it was several months later before there was some additional information that came through some other agencies that led the law enforcement intelligence communities to conclude that the co-pilot had put the plane down in a suicide operation possibly to kill a number of egyptian military officers on board. there were 31 or so egyptian military officers. the question was, why would he want to do that? that was an open question that was never resolved. i remember that very very vividly. there are differences between that egypt air crash and what
individuals, this was a coordinated terror strike that was affiliated with a specific terror group? do you know yet? if you do by witness reports, there were some accounts that they stated al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. do you accept that? you ve got to put that into the equation. there s one thing that i think chairman mccaul pointed out. chairman of the house homeland security. the fact that they carried weapons, had their faces covered, they were there to commit murder, to get away not the typical lone wolf i m going to die on behalf of allah. this was not a suicide operation. you re exactly right. that leads us to believe they had a significant amount of training but also knew exactly what they were there to do and how to do it. do you have any clue where they were trained was it iraq syria, yemen, north africa? we don t. i think that clearly the french
pressure by the taliban military and they found an opportunity to retaliate with children today. the pakistani military says that they had ammunition and supplies to last for days and this was certainly a suicide operation, that the terrorists intended both to kill and to die there. pakistani taliban s chief aim bringing down the pakistani government and establishes sharia law in that country and has a history of targeting the u.s. in 2009, a taliban suicide bomber killed seven cia officers in eastern afghanistan. in 2010, the group claiming responsibility for the attempted car bombing in new york city and following the killing of osama bin laden in pakistan, the group vowed more attacks, wolf, on u.s. soil. the pakistan taliban says this was revenge against the pakistani military for an operation that was conducted against them. what do you know about this? an ongoing military operation by pakistan in the northeastern