more testimony from the indicted leader of the oath keepers jason rhodes. we begin tonight with trump summoning the mob, a memorable line from liz cheney laid out exactly what happened. president trump assembled the mob and lit the flame of this abeing at all. today s hearing spelled out exactly how the mob was summoned that day and as with most things donald trump can be traced back to a tweet. in this case on december 19, 2020. as the committee showed it s important to note what happened in the frantic final weeks of the trump administration leading up to that tweet. today s hearing filled in those blanks focusing on everything that happened after december 14th, the critical date when the electors meet and the election is finally over. in fact, here s what mitch mcconnell said the very next morning. yesterday electors met in all 50 states, so as of this morning our country has officially a president-elect and a vice president-elect. many millions of us had hoped the pre
they are conservative, you know, but they are not extreme. so how does a tattoo artist, an artist, a punk rock guy wind up wind up with the oath keepers? well, you know, when when bundy ranch first kicked off i knew that there was going to be a story there. and one of my biggest influences in life as a writer has been hunter s. thompson and had his breakout novel with the anaheim angels and i thought this might be an opportunity for me to do that and i went and covered the bundy ranch and got involved with stuart rhodes as he went down for the second part of that. i wanes vited back to that and given unprecedented access to the to the sugar pine mine standoff and then the white hope mine standoff, and andch at that point my my name got used on a press release so that was the end of my day job and and stuart offered me a job as
federal officials after mr. bundy refused to pay fees for grazing his livestock on federal land that wasn t his. another anti-government group involved in that little pageant was the 3% movement. the 3 percenters then turned up shortly thereafter in another land dispute at a gold mine in southwestern oregon, a place called the sugar pine mine. the owners of the sugar pine mine said they wouldn t follow federal regulations and their guns and their militia friends were how they would prove it. the sugar pine mine standoff and the cliven bundy standoff were also backed by members of a group called the oathkeepers, a group of mainly former military and law enforcement officers who vow to protect the constitution by force if necessary. forest service warning that that forest service should stay off the mine s property. so these folks are around. they re do this thing. they r itching for a fight.
the sugar pine mine standoff and the cliven bundy standoff were also backed by members of a group called the oathkeepers, a group of mainly former military and law keepers, people who vow protect the constitution by force if nes. they converged to another gold mine in montana this august when the owners sent a letter to the forest service warning that that forest service should stay off the mine s property. so these folks are around. they re do this they riishinish itching for a f. a group of armed people are protecting a building at an oregon wildlife refuge. the siege is motivate bid the arson executions by two. at its heart what the self proclaimed malitia members want is to take fed cli controlled
federal law enforcement officials after mr. bundy refused to pay fees for grazing his livestock on federal land that wasn t his. another anti-government group involved in that little pageant was the 3% movement. the 3 percenters then turned up shortly thereafter in another land dispute at a gold mine in southwestern oregon, a place called the sugar pine mine. the owners of the sugar pine mine said they wouldn t follow federal regulations and their guns and their militia friends were how they would prove it. the sugar pine mine standoff and the cliven bundy standoff were also backed by members of a group called the oathkeepers, a group of mainly former military and law enforcement officers who vow to protect the constitution by force if necessary. that group also converged to another gold mine in month this august when the owners of that mine sent a letter to the u.s. forest service warning that the forest service should stay off the mine s property. so these folks are around now,