more testimony from the indicted leader of the oath keepers jason rhodes. we begin tonight with trump summoning the mob, a memorable line from liz cheney laid out exactly what happened. president trump assembled the mob and lit the flame of this abeing at all. today s hearing spelled out exactly how the mob was summoned that day and as with most things donald trump can be traced back to a tweet. in this case on december 19, 2020. as the committee showed it s important to note what happened in the frantic final weeks of the trump administration leading up to that tweet. today s hearing filled in those blanks focusing on everything that happened after december 14th, the critical date when the electors meet and the election is finally over. in fact, here s what mitch mcconnell said the very next morning. yesterday electors met in all 50 states, so as of this morning our country has officially a president-elect and a vice president-elect. many millions of us had hoped the pre
more testimony from the indicted leader of the oath keepers jason rhodes. we begin tonight with trump summoning the mob, a memorable line from liz cheney laid out exactly what happened. president trump assembled the mob and lit the flame of this abeing at all. today s hearing spelled out exactly how the mob was summoned that day and as with most things donald trump can be traced back to a tweet. in this case on december 19, 2020. as the committee showed it s important to note what happened in the frantic final weeks of the trump administration leading up to that tweet. today s hearing filled in those blanks focusing on everything that happened after december 14th, the critical date when the electors meet and the election is finally over. in fact, here s what mitch mcconnell said the very next morning. yesterday electors met in all 50 states, so as of this morning