wall. take a look at this surveillance video showing jackson kelly s car getting clipped by a van and swerving and barreling across a parking lot in florida. witnesses say it sounded like a big bomb went off. the driver who hit kelly is still on the run. all right. anyone want to rethink your vacation plans, the state department issuing a travel warning for the bahamas because of uptick in crime. officials say the sand trapped area in nassau and family island like new providence and grand baum are seeing more burglaries, armed robberies and sexual assaults. how about this? dr. suess is releasing a brand new book. dr. suess horse museum will hit stores this september, 28 years after the famed author s death. an illustratorrer finished the manuscript after found in 2013. features painting from famous artists like pablo picasso and cat in the hat. it comes one day before dr. suess birthday. that s a look at your
that s how xfinity makes tv. simple. easy. awesome. tonight trump changes his mind on what to call the wall. here s jeanne. reporter: president trump has finally come full circle on the wall. after all the jokes first it was a wall, then it was a fence, then it was just i guess cones, you know. reporter: with his back to the wall, the president has gone back to his roots, tweeting let s just call them walls from now on and stop playing political games. a wall is a wall. which brought retorts like and a fence is a fence, and ladders are ladders. in the words of the immortal dr. suess, a wall is a wall no matter how small, or even if it
and our constitution. i wish the senate would take up the 500 bills the house has sent over to advance the trump agenda and restore constitutional principles. instead, they are wasting time on this. the constitution could not be clearer. the employees of the executive branch work for the president and he can fire them. there is no question about that. i want to go back to you congressman gates. one of the things that chairman grassley answered when i asked him that very question the house passing 500 bill senate during virtually nothing. he says we have the filibuster. i can t do nothing unless i have bipartisan support. what do you say to that? they have the filibuster because they want to have the filibuster. you know what, judge jeanine? if some democrat wants to filibuster one of the president s appointees or meaningful legislation, let him take to the floor of the senate and stand up and read the phone book or dr. suess and let the american people see the absurdity that is pla
the united states border. and our constitution. i wish the senate would take up the 500 bills the house has sent over to advance the trump agenda and restore constitutional principles. instead, they are wasting time on this. the constitution could not be clearer. the employees of the executive branch work for the president and he can fire them. there is no question about that. i want to go back to you congressman gates. one of the things that chairman grassley answered when i asked him that very question the house passing 500 bill senate during virtually nothing. he says we have the filibuster. i can t do nothing unless i have bipartisan support. what do you say to that? they have the filibuster because they want to have the filibuster. you know what, judge jeanine? if some democrat wants to filibuster one of the president s appointees or meaningful legislation, let him take to the floor of the senate and stand up and read the phone book or dr. suess and let the american people see
them? exports from the u.s. to canada worth $267 billion in 2016. exports to mexico are worth $231 billion. that is almost half a trillion dollars combined. what happens if those two countries start slapping tariffs on our products? on meet the press, the commerce secretary evaded the key question, is trump really going to go through with this? what he has said, he has said. if he says something different, it will be something different. he has made a decision at this point 25-10. if he for some reason should change his mind, then it will change. no, that was not dr. suess, that was wilbur ross. 25-10, he ll keep it or he won t. keep in mind canada and mexico are the only ones involved here, not the only ones involved here excuse me. right now, tariffs are supposed to hit all countries. over the weekend, china and the