The civil rights body has urged the concerned authorities to bring the Uttarakhand high court's order, prohibiting social media debates by the parties, to the notice of all media houses by issuing a press release.
The Delhi High Court on Friday directed certain news channels including Sudarshan News and social media platforms like YouTube, Google and Twitter to block links of news reports accusing a Muslim man.
The Morning Context has a detailed report out today on problems with the Electronic Media Monitoring Centre. The report says it has now taken to less monitoring of standards, far more meeting political ends and trying to ensure PM and the BJP government look good.
The guidelines issued by the News Broadcasting and Digital Standards Authority come a fortnight after the Supreme Court asked why anchors cannot be taken off air for allowing hate speech on TV.
Delhi Police informed the Supreme Court that the status report regarding progress of the investigation and arrests in the December 2021 Delhi Dharam Sansad hate speech case is almost ready and would be shared soon.