thing he said already before, which was true even before he said it clearly there s an awful lot of doubt as to where the administration really is on this issue. i think the will of the people is that we enact this clear-cut prohibition on the use of taxpayer funds for elective abortions. passing new laws to do what existing laws already do is a great way to create redundancy. asking the same settled question over and over again is a great way to create uncertainty. and banning abortion funding doubly, triply when it s already banned may be good for somebody s job, i don t know. maybe the person who writes bills like this? or something? who might be couldn t have another job because this is all they know how to do? i don t know. probably not. joining success congresswoman democrat of illinois, chief deputy whip and strange advocate for women s issues. thanks for your time tonight. thanks, rachel. doesn t the government
joining success congresswoman democrat of illinois, chief deputy whip and strange advocate for women s issues. thanks for your time tonight. thanks, rachel. doesn t the government already ban funding for abortion? why do we need the no taxpayer funding for abortion act? well, because this bill actually goes way further. this says that a person whose imprr provides health care but that health insurance policy covers abortions, man or woman, then that employer can t get a tax break. if an individual who buys a policy that provides for abortion cannot get any kind of health care tax deduction if that policy were to cover abortion. so, now it goes into private money and private insurance policies and things that people do on their own. it s it is much further than
of congress will be very confused as to whether or not they are supposed to applaud or stand up or sit down because they will not have all of their partisan compatriots around them. but after the speech, all that sitting and standing and looking around nervously, it will be the option party s time to shine. outside of nominating someone to run against the president, picking somebody to respond to the state of the union is essentially the highest profile thing the republican party does to shape their image when a democrat is president. they choose the face they want the country to think of when people think republican party. this is sort of their biggest, most high profile choice like that any time a democratic there is a democratic president. since president obama was elected, the republican party s had two shots. the first time they chose republican governor bobby jindal of louisiana. remember that? i remember being an analyst on this network the night that happened.
this year. it will just look way down as people applaud and pointedly don t applaud, as they stand up and sit down. i am guessing that some members of congress willbe very confused atowhether or not eyre supposeto apdauor stup o t down because th will t ve allf their part s co pacome pat reyots around them. but after the speech, all that sitting and standing and looking around nervously, it will be the option party s time to shine. outside of nominating someone to run against the president, picking somebody to respond to the state of the union is essentially the highest profile thing the republican party does to shape their image when a democrat is president. they choose the face they want the country to think of when people think republican party. this is sort of their biggest, most high profile choice like that any time a democratic there is a democratic president. since president obama was elected, the republican party s had two shots. the first time they chose