joining success congresswoman democrat of illinois, chief deputy whip and strange advocate for women s issues. thanks for your time tonight. thanks, rachel. doesn t the government already ban funding for abortion? why do we need the no taxpayer funding for abortion act? well, because this bill actually goes way further. this says that a person whose imprr provides health care but that health insurance policy covers abortions, man or woman, then that employer can t get a tax break. if an individual who buys a policy that provides for abortion cannot get any kind of health care tax deduction if that policy were to cover abortion. so, now it goes into private money and private insurance policies and things that people do on their own. it s it is much further than
democrat of illinois is chief deputy skw and a strong advocate for women s issues. thanks for your time. always good to be with you. doesn t the government ban funding for abortion. why do we need this act? because this bill actually goes way further. this says that a person who whose employer provides health care, but that health insurance policy covers abortions, man or woman than that employer can t get a tax break. if an individual who buys a policy that provides for abortion cannot get any kind of health care tax deduction if that policy were to cover abortion. now it goes into private money and private insurance policies and things people do on their own. it is much further than the amend am.
already ban funding for abortion? why do we need the no taxpayer funding for abortion act? well, because this bill actually goes way further. this says that a person whose employer provides health care but that health insurance policy covers abortions, man or woman, then that employer can t get a tax break. if an individual who buys a policy that provides for abortion cannot get any kind of health care tax deduction if that policy were to cover abortion. so, now it goes into private money and private insurance policies and things that people do on their own. it s it is much further than the hyatt amendment. so this is restricting private health insurance