A small boat full of passengers overturned on the Gandak river on Saturday morning at the Godiya Patti Ghat in Bagaha. In which there is information about | BLiTZ
In an unexpected turn of events, Subhavati Shukla, wife of late Upendra Dutt Shukla, who was BJP's state vice-president, quietly joined the Samajwadi Party on Thursday evening. Sources said that she was likely to be pitted against Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath from Gorakhpur, to win the support of Brahmins. Subhavati Devi's husband Upendra Dutt Shukla, a well-known Brahmin
In an unexpected and interesting turn of events, Subhavati Shukla, wife of late Upendra Dutt Shukla, who was BJP s state vice-president, quietly joined the Samajwadi Party on Thursday evening.