Kengeri Police have registered the FIR against Ganapati and others under the Sections 82 and 83 of the Karnataka Registration Act 1908. The Section 82 of the Karnataka Registration Act 1908 states the penalty for making false statements, delivering false copies or translations, false personation, and abetment.
The 89-year-old British-era building in Sulur, Coimbatore, which housed the sub-registrar office, is set to be demolished for the construction of a new building. Get all the details about this historic demolition and the plans for the new sub-registrar office.
Powerstar Pawan Kalyan's wife, Anna Lezhneva, ushered in the Christmas spirit early by orchestrating a special celebration at an orphanage yesterday. The
Registration of the property you sell or purchase or documents related to your will is set to become easier in Delhi. The Arvind Kejriwal government has decided to introduce the Anywhere Registration policy for sale and purchase of properties in the national capital. This will pave the way for
The Revenue Department of Delhi government has decided to introduce the 'Anywhere Registration' policy for properties in the national capital, an official said on Thursday.According to the policy, if people want to register their properties, .