Used to be, college was a place where new adults smacked face-first into life. You met people unlike any you’d known before. You confronted new ideas and cultures. You got
Engineers currently conduct ground tests of ammunition systems and analyze flight performance. The new missile is to be placed in inner compartments of the aircraft.
Tại một cuộc họp giao ban dành cho các tùy viên quân sự nước ngoài hôm 19/8, Phó tổng giám đốc tập đoàn Dmitry Lelikov thông báo, Su-57 phiên bản xuất khẩu sẽ được giới thiệu tại diễn đàn Army-2021.
Być może najbardziej obiecujące rosyjskie samoloty wojskowe ostatnich lat otrzymają nową awionikę (i nie tylko), staną się bardziej niebezpieczne dla. 15.08.2021, Sputnik Polska
At first blush, it does seem somewhat premature for Rosoboronexport to push the Su-57 into export markets so early into its production cycle. However, this approach is not without its benefits.